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某酿酒厂有机废水处理工程设计(1000 m3d)毕业论文

 2021-03-21 21:24:23  

摘 要


本污水处理站采用的主要工艺为IC厌氧反应器和SBR。众多酒精企业的污水处理系统,都因为处理效果不理想、管理难度大等原因使废水得不到有效处理,造成更严重的水污染。本设计中污水处理站处理的生产废水主要是酿酒锅底水,为高浓度有机废水。水量为1000m3/d,而且是间断排放。进水水质:CODcr 10000 mg/L、BOD54500 mg/L,SS 700 mg/L, pH4,色度200。因此本设计选用了处理效果比较好的IC厌氧反应器和SBR结合的工艺,达到了良好的处理效果。本设计中采用的工艺,在调节池调节污水的pH值,再通过絮凝池和初沉池有效去除污水中的悬浮物,高效IC厌氧技术分解污水中难降解的有机物,提高了废水的可生化性,达到了合理的氧化性,有利于下一步的进行。SBR好氧技术进一步去除水中的有机物,从而确保出水能够达标。经处理后,出水水质要求达到《发酵酒精和白酒工业水污染物排放标准》(GB 27631—2011)中的相关标准(即:CODcr 100~400 mg/L、BOD530~80mg/L,SS 50~140 mg/L, pH6~9.6,色度40~80)。



Water is the basic resource for human survival, and the current water pollution is very serious, sustained may endanger the survival of mankind, so for the sustainable development of human society, in response to the basic policy of environmental protection and energy conservation policies, a wine Plant sewage needs to be treated and then discharged, in the production plant to establish a sewage treatment station to deal with the bottom of the wine pot. The graduation design is to design the sewage treatment station for the brewery.

The main process used in this sewage treatment station is IC anaerobic reactor and SBR. Many alcohol companies sewage treatment system, because the treatment effect is not ideal, difficult management and other reasons so that waste water can’t be effectively dealt with, resulting in more serious water pollution. The design of the sewage treatment station to deal with the production of waste water is mainly wine pot bottom of the water, for the high concentration of organic wastewater. Water is 1000m3 / d, and is intermittent emissions. Water quality: CODcr 10000 mg / L, BOD54500 mg / L, SS 700 mg / L, pH 4, Therefore, the design of the use of better treatment of IC anaerobic reactor and SBR combined with the process, to achieve a good treatment effect. The design process used in the regulation of the pool to adjust the pH value of the sewage, and then through the flocculation tank and the primary settling tank to effectively remove suspended solids in the sewage, high efficiency IC anaerobic technology decomposition of sewage difficult to degrade organic matter, improve the wastewater can Biochemical, to achieve a reasonable oxidation, is conducive to the next step. SBR aerobic technology to further remove the organic matter in the water, so as to ensure the water can meet the standard. After treatment, the effluent quality requirements meet the "fermented alcohol and liquor industry water pollutant discharge standards" (GB 27631-2011) in the relevant standards (ie: CODcr 100 ~ 400 mg / L, BOD530 ~ 80mg / L, SS50 ~ 140 mg / L, pH 6 to 9.6, chromaticity 40 to 80).

Key Words:IC anaerobic reactor;SBR;alcohol wastewater


1 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景和意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.3 废水特性和工艺选择 2

1.3.1 废水水质水量 2

1.3.2 工艺选择 3

2 构筑物设计说明及计算 6

2.1 中格栅 6

2.2 污水提升泵房 7

2.3 细格栅 8

2.4 调节池 10

2.5 絮凝池 10

2.6 初次沉淀池 11

2.7 IC厌氧反应器 12

2.8 厌氧沉淀池 13

2.9 SBR 14

2.10 紫外线消毒池 16

2.11 污泥处理单元 16

3 总体布置及投资估算 18

3.1 总体布置 18

3.1.1 平面布置 18

3.1.2 高程布置 18

3.2 投资估算 20

3.2.1 基本建设投资 20

3.2.2 运行费用 21

4 结语 23

参考文献 24

致谢 26

1 绪论

1.1 研究背景和意义



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