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 2021-03-21 22:43:19  

摘 要


为了实现课题要求的基于微信的商品订货系统,在开发过程中使用了HTML和PHP作为系统网页的表现手段,以Jquery Mobile作为前端框架,利用PHP技术实现微信的前端开发、接口调用以及连接访问数据库等功能,服务器采用新浪云SAE提供的云服务器,数据库选用的是新浪云提供的共享型MySQL数据库。


关键词:微信公众平台;商品订货系统;PHP;Jquery Mobile;


With the continuous development of mobile Internet technology, smart phones, Tablet PC has become an important tool for people to get information and entertainment, WeChat as Tencent's main social products used to enter the mobile market in recent years has been widely loved by people , The huge number of users has brought great e-commerce potential. The purpose of this project is to use the modern mobile Internet technology to develop a product order system through the WeChat platform to attract more users, broaden sales channels, to achieve micro-e-commerce potential e-commerce, bring more lucrative economic benefits.

In order to achieve the requirements of the project based on WeChat commodity order system, in the development process ,I used HTML and PHP as a means of expression of the system web pages, Jquery Mobile as a front-end framework, the use of PHP technology to achieve micro-front-end development, interface calls and access to access database And other functions, the server uses Sina cloud SAE cloud server, the database is selected by the Sina cloud shared MySQL database.

the product ordering system according to the user type is divided into two categories of ordinary users and administrators in the general user level, after logining on the system, the operator can browse the list of goods, view product information and query inventory, select the product parameters and quantity purchase the order and order management and other functions, the system uses the PHP session function to maintain the login status; at the administrator level, the operator can view the implementation of data statistics, rights management and other functions. Two types of users have different functional rights, together to form a complete order system.

Key words: WeChat public platform; commodity ordering system; PHP; Jquery Mobile;

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究目的与意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.3 论文的研究内容 2

第2章 相关技术概述 3

2.1 开发工具及环境 3

2.1.1 新浪云SAE 3

2.1.2 Eclipse Php Neon 3

2.2 相关技术介绍 4

2.2.1 PHP技术 4

2.2.2 Jquery Mobile框架 4

2.2.3 JavaScript 4

第3章 系统的设计 6

3.1 需求分析 6

3.1.1 问题分析 6

3.1.2 可行性分析 6

3.1.3 功能需求分析 7

3.1.4 非功能需求分析 7

3.2 系统概要设计 8

3.2.1 系统设计目的 8

3.2.2 系统用例设计 9

3.2.3 系统模块设计 9

3.2.4 系统数据库设计 13

第4章 系统实现 16

4.1 微信前端模块 16

4.2 登录注册模块 17

4.3 商品列表及库存查询模块 18

4.4 订单支付模块 20

4.5 订单管理模块 22

4.6 管理员模块 23

第5章 系统测试 25

5.1 测试目的 25

5.2 测试内容 25

5.2.1 功能测试 25

5.2.2 性能测试 26

第6章 总结 28

参考文献 29

致谢 30

  1. 绪论
    1. 研究目的与意义




    1. 国内外研究现状


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