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 2021-03-22 22:16:18  

摘 要

  • 翻译一篇英文资料,翻译字数不少于2万英文(5000汉字)字符,要求译文准确,语句通顺,附外文英文;    
  • 在进行检索阅读的基础上提交开题报告1份,应有明确的国内外发展研究动态,明确研究的原则和思路、方法、技术路线和内容等;
  • 了解船舶能效的计算方法以及影响因素;   
  • 学习使用SPSS软件;      
  • 撰写毕业设计论文1篇,字数不少于1.5万字。参考文献不得少于20篇,其中外文文献不少于6篇。
  • 必读参考资料:

    [1]颜林. 国内船舶能效指数与CO2排放基线实船研究[D]. 武汉理工大学, 2011.

    [2]范爱龙. 船舶主机能效模型[D]. 武汉理工大学, 2015.

    [3]中华人民共和国海事局. 北极航行指南(东北航道)[M].人民交通出版社,2014.

    [4] Sun Xing, Yan Xinping, Wu Bing, Song Xin. Analysis of the operational energy efficiency for inland river ships [J]. Transportation Research Part D, 2013.

    [5] E. Bal Beşikçi, T. Kececi, O. Arslan, O. Turan. An application of fuzzy-AHP to ship operational energy efficiency measures [J]. Ocean Engineering, 2016.





    为了研究极地船舶能效评估方法,以及极地冰区复杂环境下不同环境因子对船舶能效的影响,分析各因素和船舶能效的内在联系。首先,建立极地冰区船舶能效运营指数Energy Efficiency Operational Indicator(EEOI)的计算模型,基于“永盛”轮的极地航行数据计算出不同航段的船舶运营指数EEOI值。其次,使用matlab实现BP神经网络对船舶能效运营指数的预测和分析。然后,建立极地环境与船舶能效之间的耦合关系,得到使船舶能效上升或者下降的因素。研究结果表明,不同冰情下改变航速对船舶能效有着极大影响。




    With the melting of Arctic sea ice, Arctic routes have become increasingly important because of the enormous commercial benefits they bring.Therefore, it is urgent to research and develop green polar sail ship with high efficiency and environmental protection.At present, the ship energy efficiency assessment method of ordinary water has been relatively mature, while the research on the evaluation of the polar ice ship energy efficiency is still at the initial stage.

    In order to study the polar ship energy efficiency evaluation, and the influence of different environmental factors of polar ice under the complex environment of ship energy efficiency, analysis of the internal relations between various factors and the energy efficiency of ships.First of all, I establish the calculation model of polar ice ship operation efficiency index EEOI,calculate the different segment of the EEOI based on the "Yong Sheng" round of Arctic navigation data.Secondly, the BP neural network is used to predict and analyze the energy efficiency index by MATLAB.Then, the coupling relationship between polar environment and ship energy efficiency will be established, and factors that can increase or decrease ship energy efficiency will be obtained.The results show that the change of ship speed under different ice conditions has a great influence on ship energy efficiency.

    Based on the traditional methods of ship energy efficiency assessment, adding polar environmental factors,we have dug the potential link between environment and energy efficiency which will provide some reference value for the energy saving of polar sailing ships.

    Key words: Arctic channel; Polar environment; Ship energy efficiency; BP neural network; Coupling relationship

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