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 2021-03-25 22:08:20  

摘 要






Today the world's economy is in a common development trend, and this degree is growing, many international investors began to invest in me, which makes the international capital slowly into our country. The capital inflow of international knowledge period will bring many unfavorable effects on the regulation of real estate price in China. At the same time, with the domestic house price fluctuation and the renminbi devaluation and so on one system factor, causes the domestic economy to appear the temporary imbalance situation. In addition, the devaluation of the domestic currency makes the interest rate operating space, subject to certain restrictions, further aggravating the real estate and exchange rate contradictions. Based on this situation, the paper studies the transport mechanism and channel between real estate and currency, and makes clear the key part of currency exchange rate and real estate price, and provides some valuable reference for Government macro-control.

Through combing some literatures about the relationship between real estate price and exchange rate, the paper finds out the theoretical structure of the two, and sums up the influence factors of the change. Based on this, this paper analyzes the linkage mechanism of real estate price and exchange rate, and finally makes a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the interaction between the currency and the price of the house, so as to analyze the way of its function and the relationship between the strong and weak.

Based on real estate value and currency exchange rate theory, The following points are summarized: 1. In the short term, with the massive outflow of capital, the reduction of the exchange rate of the person's name will make the house price trend downward. 2 If the time is taken far longer to take into account the long-term, the devaluation of the renminbi will be affected by the stable monetary quantity provided by the Government, so that the liquidity is affected, and this factor has a great impact on the real estate due to the influence of internal currency expansion, real estate prices will have some impact on the real exchange rate, from the empirical results, the other two channels are not obvious; 4. Using the independence of monetary policy to weaken the effect of money supply on the exchange rate, so as to achieve real estate The purpose of price regulation is to better control the real estate policy of the government and find out some feasible opinions.

KEY WORDS: RMB exchange rate; real estate prices; international capital flow;

money supply; economic growth

目 录

摘 要 I


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究意义 2

1.3 国内外研究现状分析...................................................................................................................3

1.4研究方法 ..........................................................................................................................................3

第2章 相关理论基础 4

2.1 核心概念的界定 4

2.1.1 汇率 4

2.1.2 房地产价格 5

2.2 汇率与房地产价格联动关系的理论基础 6

2.2.1 国际资本流动理论 6

2.2.2 内生货币供给理论 6

2.3 国内外相关研究评述 7

第3章 建立模型来分析人民币汇率和房地产价格关系 9

3.1 人民币汇率与房地产价格联动关系总体框架分析 10

3.2 人民币汇率和房地产价格的作用原理 11

第4章 人民币汇率与房地产价格的趋势分析和相关性分析 13

4.1 Spearman 等级相关分析方法 13

4.2 人民币汇率与房地产价格的波动情况及相关性分析 13

第5章 美国及日本房价和汇率的关系.............................................................................................16

5.1 美国房价和汇率的关系............................................................................................................16


第6章 结论 19

参考文献 20

致谢 21

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景


任何一个国家他的资本都不是固定不变的,都是可以在相互之间进行流动互相转换的,同理汇率也不是固定,如果汇率下降,可能同时国内资本会往国外流出,房价也会降低。与此同时,人民币升值或者贬值,开始影响到我国货币的提供量,使本身资金流动性强的房地产市场越发不稳定,并且货币的供给程度和人民币汇率之间很难保持相对的平衡,这使得我国货币的发行受到了一定程度上的制约,其独立性也受到了挑战,具体表现在我国原有货币发放的主要方式逐渐转向外汇占款,从2005到2012 的五年间,我国外汇占款的资本量迅速提高了四倍之多,其增量远高于近年来的基础货币的增量。货币的供给达到了一定数额,保障了银行贷款的可持续进行,并且人们可以通过借贷的方式购房,推动了房地产业的发展,刺激了房价的变化。

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