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 2021-03-25 22:12:22  

摘 要






In recent years, China's real estate has been in constant fluctuations. Since the reform of the housing system in 1998, housing prices have been rising continuously. During the period, various departments have introduced a series of policies and measures, but the result is not satisfactory. In 2008, the global economic crisis, coupled with overheated investment in 2007 led to the supply of commercial housing surplus, the real estate market for the first time a big turning point. In 2011, the government introduced a new "eight states", the housing prices in the steady development of two years began to fall. With the 2014 macro market down, the market once again entered the trough. In 2016, steady economic recovery, easing the continued favorable macroeconomic environment, the real estate market has reached a record high from the sales area, sales, then the government to tighten regulation of frequent policy in 2017, the market once again with the macro market entered a period of adjustment. Under this background, we research on the cyclical fluctuations of the real estate, find out the main factors influencing the cyclical fluctuations of the real estate research on our country's existing problems, and puts forward reasonable policy suggestion.

This paper first reviews the domestic and foreign scholars research results to the real estate market cycle theory, and based on the meaning and the stage of the cycle of real estate industry re definition, and then probe into the factors affecting the real estate cycle. Through the comprehensive influence evaluation of principal component analysis, the factors that affect the fluctuation of China's real estate cycle mainly focus on population, currency, financial, psychological expectations, policy changes and the lag of construction.

Finally, the empirical part reviews the development process of China's real estate industry, which is divided into two stages, namely, before the reform and opening up and after the reform and opening. Combining the analysis of supply and demand in China's real estate industry existing unbalance, resource waste and loss, the vacancy rate is too high, and regional policy fluctuation, obvious development and financial sector coordination problems, proposed early warning mechanism for the healthy development of the external environment, reduce the impact on the real estate and enhance the ability of real estate specific measures the stability of the industry. The theory is applied to practice, and some suggestions on the local real estate bubble phenomenon in our country are put forward, which is the significance of this study.

Keywords: real estate cycle fluctuations, macroeconomic, seasonal adjustment, trend decomposition


第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景和意义 2

1.1.1研究背景 2

1.1.2研究意义 3

1.2国内外相关研究现状 4

1.2.1国外相关研究状况 4

1.2.2国内相关研究状况 5

1.3研究方法及主要内容 6

1.3.1研究的主要方法 6

1.3.2研究的主要内容 6

第2章 房地产周期波动理论概述 7

2.1房地产周期理论及基本概念. 7

2.1.1房地产周期波动的含义 7

2.1.2房地产周期的阶段划分 7

2.1.3房地产周期波动的类型 8

2.2房地产周期的产生机理和影响因素 9

2.2.1房地产周期的产生机理 9

2.2.2房地产周期的影响因素分析 10

2.3宏观经济周期与房地产周期波动的关系 11

第3章 我国的房地产周期波动研究 13

3.1我国房地产业发展历程 13

3.2我国房地产市场中存在的主要问题 14

3.3降低周期波动影响的措施 15

3.3.1减少外部环境对房地产的冲击 15

3.3.2增强房地产自身稳定能力 16

第4章 结束语 17

参考文献 18

致 谢 19

第1章 绪论





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