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 2021-03-29 00:00:42  

摘 要






Pipeline vacuum maglev train is a long time ago on the development of high-speed transport system ideas, the specific approach is to use the pipeline to wrap the maglev train, the pipeline is equipped with a magnetic levitation system, the air in the pipeline after the maglev train speed Has been greatly improved, the purpose of this design is to solve the pipeline vacuum maglev train in the transfer of the air pressure caused by the problem. Because the pipeline vacuum magnetic levitation system in the pipeline without air or air is very thin, and outside the pipeline passengers from the atmospheric pressure into the pipeline in the maglev train, reasonable and effective connection system is related to the transfer efficiency of the maglev train and the passenger's personal Safety.

At present, the idea of ​​connecting the vacuum pipeline is mainly to set up the isolation compartment so that the passengers can enter and exit, and the specific layout of the pressure tank is two kinds of ideas: First, the design will be designed into large isolation compartment, the specific approach is in the station At both ends of the pipeline to set up isolation doors. When the maglev train decelerates into the bypass station, the isolation doors at both ends of the station are lowered to form a separation compartment. The separation valve of the separation compartment is pressurized until the air pressure is balanced with the outside, and the pipe is opened and the passenger can freely enter and leave the passenger. After the passenger is on the train, the vacuum pump is in the pipeline and the air pressure is balanced. This method can accommodate the whole carriage, but this method requires a lot of space, pumping a vacuum takes a long time, the train stay a long time, the requirements of the vacuum pump, high energy consumption. Second, another idea is to design the isolation compartment into a docking structure, maglev train deceleration into the bypass after relying on the sensor to slow down. After the stop with the station set on the telescopic access corridor system docking, docking mechanism after locking on the corridor to pressurize the operation, air pressure after the opening of the corridor to open the barrier passengers to enter. This idea of ​​vacuum less time-consuming, easy to operate and less energy consumption, is the vacuum magnetic levitation system development direction. However, the existing docking system has the problems of sealing difficulties and unreasonable design of the telescopic mechanism.

Aiming at the problems existing in the docking system, this paper completes the design of a vacuum vacuum levitation train based on the existing docking mode.

Key Words: Pipe vacuum; maglev train,;cofferdam; docking device

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

1 绪论 1

1.1 论文的研究背景 1

1.2 论文研究的目的和意义 1

1.3国内外现状 1

1.4 论文的主要研究内容 1

2 管道真空磁悬浮列车接驳系统的方案设计 3

2.1 系统总体方案设计 3

2.2 伸缩机构方案设计 4

2.3 过渡仓方案设计 5

2.4 锁紧系统方案设计 6

3管道真空磁悬浮接驳系统设计计算 9

3.1 真空密封设计计算 9

3.1.1 真空可拆卸密封总体设计 9

3.1.2过渡舱门密封设计计算 9

3.1.3法兰密封设计 11

3.1.4对接框密封设计计算 12

3.2锁紧系统设计计算 13

3.21电机选型及扭矩计算 14

3.22丝杠螺纹传动设计 16

3.23蜗轮蜗杆传动设计计算 16

3.2伸缩机构设计计算 21

3.2.1 金属波纹管尺寸设计计算 21

3.2.2 金属波纹管轴向力计算和压力校核 23

3.3过渡仓壳体设计计算 25

4管道真空磁悬浮接驳系统ANSYS仿真分析 28

4.1过渡仓壳体静力学分析 28

4.2密封门体静力学分析 28

4.3电动缸推杆静力学分析 30

5 总结 31

5.1 论文总结 31

5.2 工作小结 31

参考文献 32

致 谢 33

1 绪论

1.1 论文的研究背景


1.2 论文研究的目的和意义



由于真空管道(ETT)项目落实困难,直到近几年内才出现了关于ETT的实验项目,之前关于ETT的接驳系统大部分都只停留在理论设想阶段。关于接驳系统最早提出可行性方案的是瑞士的Swissmetro系统,其大致思路是车辆在地下站台停车前先通过闸室,避免真空损失,乘客通过自动闸门和闸室,研究数据是每个车站每小时乘客进出量可达6400人次。1990年成立的ETT项目一直没有得到落实直至国内一批科研机构成立,有关真空管道的技术得到快速发展,以管道真空磁悬浮列车接驳为例,国内出现了诸多相关专利。最新的研究诸如2011年张耀平发表的Some possible station layouts and characteristics of evacuated tube transportation[8]、奥斯特2016年申请的专利“Evacuated tube transport system with interchange capability”[9]都给真空管道磁悬浮接驳系统做出了适当参考方向。


1.4 论文的主要研究内容


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