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 2021-03-29 21:56:33  

摘 要






In recent years, typhoon continue to occur in the southeast coastal areas of China due to the global climate anomaly. Typhoon has seriously damaged the power grid and power transmission and transformation equipment because of its super wind power, which poses a great threat to the normal and reliable operation of the power grid. With the rapid development of social economy and the increasing demand for power transmission, more and more attention has been paid to the security and reliability of power system. Due to the wide range of power transmission lines in overhead lines, substations and power plants connected to different areas, as an important part of connecting power facilities in different regions, are the most important power components in the power grid. As we all know, overhead lines play a role on the ground, and must continue to operate in the external environment. It is the most affected equipment in the power system affected by typhoon disasters. When the overhead line is out of order, it is likely to cause a large area blackout of the power grid. Aside from the economic loss, it will have serious consequences for the production and living of the people in the area.

A lot of work is needed to study the reliability of overhead lines. After a great deal of research work, many predecessors have put forward many models of overhead line outage, and also provided a lot of primitive parameters, and made preliminary preparations for the reliability evaluation of overhead lines. Through establishing the outage model of the overhead lines under typhoon disaster and calculating the outage rate, it is beneficial to the line risk assessment under typhoon disaster.

The influence of typhoon disaster on the outage rate of overhead lines is analyzed in this paper,detailed data of typhoon disaster affecting power system are listed, introduced on the impact of typhoon disaster and some of the research methods and research results, research on fuzzy modeling method and a detailed analysis of the composition, geographical information and regional power transmission and transformation equipment is set up,and through the Guangdong Province Meteorological and geographical information transmission equipment to verify the calculation results, the rationality and validity of the model.

Key Words: Reliability evaluation;outage model;outage rate;membership degree;fuzzy modeling

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究目的和意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 2

1.3主要研究内容 4

第2章 停运率建模方法 5

2.1 模糊建模方法 5

2.2 隶属度函数 5

2.3 模糊规则和模糊推理 7

2.4 解模糊化 7

2.5 本章小结 8

第3章 台风灾害下的停运模型 9

3.1 受台风灾害影响的停运原因 9

3.2 台风的数学模型 10

3.3 架空线路停运模型 11

3.3.1 风力载荷隶属度 11

3.3.2 地形因素隶属度 13

3.3.3 架空线路自身状况隶属度 14

3.4 本章小结 16

第4章 停运模型的搭建与验证 17

4.1 建立if-then规则 17

4.2 算例分析 18

4.3 本章小结 22

第5章 结论与展望 23

5.1 全文总结 23

5.2 展望未来 23

参考文献 24

致 谢 25

第1章 绪论


我国处于西太平洋,台风灾害严重影响着国民经济财产安全,每年平均有个热带气旋登陆中国,其中个达到台风等级[1],严重威胁着电网的安全。2004年台风“云娜”造成浙江电网kV线路跳闸10次,110kV 线路跳闸次,长达km的输电线路受到严重破坏,有9座220 kV变电所停电,主变压器跳闸5台次,据估算直接经济损失达亿元以上[2]。2005年,强台风“达维”登陆海南,损坏了省内多数kV及以下输变电设备,导致大批kV及kV线路出现永久性故障,海南电网遭到极为惨重的破坏[3]。2006年,超强台风“桑美”给温州电网造成了毁坏性的后果,导致kV、220 kV共回线路跳闸[4]。2008年,台风“黑格比”登陆广东,导致大批配电线路倒杆断杆,线路大批跳闸[5]。在国外,据英国《每日电讯报》在2011年8月29日的报道可知,热带风暴“艾琳”在美国海岸形成后,逐步向加拿大方向移动,事后两国整理出“艾琳”对其造成的严重影响:财产损失有超过亿美元,不少于44个无辜受害者因“艾琳”而不幸丧生,境内多个州有超过50万户的商业设施和家庭因无电力供应而无法维持正常生活。根据ESCAP和WMO所管辖的台风委员会所给出的年度统计中可以看到,在我国由于台风肆虐以至经济损失达到的the Philippines 的倍、Japan的倍、Vietnam的倍;人员伤亡情况分别是上述国家的倍、倍和倍[6]。上述数据可以看出,台风虽然不是经常出现,或者说出现概率很低,但一旦出现,就会给所经地区造成大范围的显著性破坏,给电力系统的安全可靠运行造成了巨大的威胁,严重影响了社会生活的正常运转。近年来,强台风不断登陆我国沿海地区,虽然每次准确的预警信息都能够在台风登陆前发出,但由于电力部门的不够重视,设备安装得不达标准,安全措施的不够到位,总会导致部分地区电力设备严重受损。二十一世纪,社会大发展,越来越多的公司设备依赖于电力系统,一次次血的教训都在告诉我们,当今社会需要安全可靠的电力系统,而不是会对社会造成巨大影响的经常出现故障的电力系统。而现实证明,在强台风灾害的肆虐下,存在严重缺陷的电力系统极易大规模瘫痪。


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