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 2021-04-06 21:44:18  

摘 要






Enterprise development requires funds, debt financing is one of the important ways of financing, and bank credit is an important way of debt financing in China. In the process of bank credit decision, there is a serious problem of information asymmetry between Banks and enterprises. Customers are important external stakeholders of an enterprise, and also a crucial link in its supply chain. According to the theory of signal transmission, customer concentration can be used as a signal to transmit information to banks, thus reducing the information asymmetry between banks and enterprises in bank credit. But in the existing research, the influence of customer concentration on enterprises has not reached a unified point of view. So do banks view customer concentration as a positive signal or a negative signal?

On the basis of theoretical analysis, the paper uses empirical researches. Based on the data of A-shares listed in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets from 2013 to 2017, this paper studies the impact of customer concentration on corporate debt financing capabilities. Furthermore, considering the increasingly fierce market competition, which has complicated the external environment faced by enterprises, the paper uses environmental uncertainty as a moderator to study whether it will affect the relationship between customer concentration and debt financing capabilities.

During the research process, firstly the paper conducts multiple regression analysis on customer concentration and debt financing ability. And the research results show that customer concentration has a positive effect on corporate debt financing ability, main customers can help companies get more bank loans. Furthermore, environmental uncertainty is taken as a moderating factor to conduct a full sample multiple regression analysis on environmental uncertainty, customer concentration and debt financing capacity. In addition, the samples were grouped for regression analysis according to the high and low environmental uncertainty. The results show that the influence of customer concentration on debt financing ability is heterogeneous in different level of environmental uncertainty. Only when the degree of environmental uncertainty is high, there is a significant positive correlation between customer concentration and corporate debt financing ability. When the degree of environmental uncertainty is low, the relationship between them is not significant.

Key Words: Customer concentration; Environmental uncertainty; Debt financing ability; Bank loan; Supply chain


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究意义 3

1.2.1 理论意义 3

1.2.2 现实意义 3

1.3 研究方法与研究框架 3

1.3.1 研究方法 3

1.3.2 研究思路与技术路线图 4

1.4 可能的创新之处 5

第2章 文献综述 6

2.1 客户集中度对企业影响 6

2.1.1 客户集中度对企业财务方面影响 6

2.1.2 客户集中度对企业供应链整合的影响 7

2.1.3 客户集中度对企业外部财务关系的影响 7

2.2 影响企业债务融资能力的因素 8

2.2.1 企业财务特征对债务融资能力的影响 8

2.2.2 企业高管、董事、政治关联对债务融资能力的影响 8

2.3 客户集中度对债务融资能力影响 8

2.4 环境不确定性对客户集中度的影响 9

2.5 文献述评 9

第3章 理论基础与研究假设 11

3.1 相关概念 11

3.1.1 环境不确定性 11

3.1.2 客户集中度 12

3.1.3 债务融资能力 12

3.2 相关理论 12

3.2.1 信息不对称理论 12

3.2.2 信号传递理论 13

3.2.3 利益相关者理论 13

3.3 研究假设 14

3.3.1 客户集中度与债务融资能力 14

3.3.2 环境不确定性、客户集中度与债务融资能力 15

第4章 研究设计 16

4.1 样本选择与数据来源 16

4.1.1 样本选择 16

4.1.2 数据来源 16

4.2 变量选择和衡量 16

4.2.1 被解释变量的选取和衡量 16

4.2.2 解释变量的选取和衡量 17

4.2.3 调节变量的选取和衡量 17

4.2.4 控制变量的选取和衡量 18

4.3 研究模型设计 19

第5章 实证分析 21

5.1 描述性统计 21

5.2 相关性检验 21

5.3 多元回归分析结果 22

5.3.1 客户集中度与债务融资能力的回归分析 22

5.3.2 环境不确定性、客户集中度与债务融资能力的回归分析 23

5.4 稳健性检验 25

5.4.1 采用被解释变量滞后一期模型 25

5.4.2 替换被解释变量衡量方法 27

第6章 研究结论及建议 29

6.1 研究结论 29

6.2 政策建议 29

6.3 研究局限性与展望 30

参考文献 31

致谢 34

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景


企业有多种融资方式,根据融资优序理论(Pecking Order Theory),企业融资通常按照内部融资、债务融资和权益融资的顺序,但企业如果单独依靠自有资金发展壮大是不能够达到企业价值最大化目标的,因此外部筹资对公司的投资和再发展至关重要。权益融资方式主要方式是发行股票,它的资本成本高,而且我国上市公司发行的股票进入证券交易所交易必须受严格的条件限制。相比之下,债务筹资成本较低,财务杠杆为企业带来放大数倍的收益。在我国,金融市场以银行信贷为主,银行的资源配给发挥了重要作用(刘小玄和周晓艳,2011) [1]。因此,得到银行信贷的支持,有利于降低企业的融资压力,对于企业的投资和再发展起到了关键性作用,能够提高企业的竞争力。考虑到数据的可获得性,本文中所指的债务融资能力特指银行借款能力。

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