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 2021-04-08 00:53:36  

摘 要






In recent years, the development of online education has increasingly become the innovative direction of the college education system, and the application of massive open online courses is increasingly extensive, which constantly puts forward new requirements for its standardized development and adds impetus to its promotion. This study aims to explore how to combine massive open online courses with the higher education system, improve the teaching quality, promote the scientific and standardized management of online teaching, and provide new ideas for the current higher education system.

Through the methods of literature review, interview and questionnaire, I explored the theoretical basis and application of the whole process management, applied the whole process management theory to the management of massive open online courses, explored the whole life cycle of course construction and divided its work tasks. The whole process management system of massive open online courses is constructed with five stages: preparatory stage, construction stage, acceptance stage, use stage and maintenance stage. Besides, this paper also constructs the evaluation system of the whole process management of massive open online courses. Through the combination of analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and questionnaire method, it determines the evaluation index of effectiveness and its weight. According to the above five stages, the evaluation is divided into 20 first-level indicators and 63 second-level indicators, providing scientific basis for evaluating effect of the whole course management.

In addition, in order to ensure the implement of the whole process management system successfully, this paper proposes some safeguard measures for four different subjects, namely school management department, network platform of online course, teachers and students.

Key words: Massive online open courses; Whole process management; Evaluation system; Safeguard measures


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 3

1.3 研究内容和方法 4

第2章 相关理论基础 7

2.1全过程管理相关理论 7

2.2成效评价的相关理论 8

第3章 在线开放课程全过程管理阶段划分及工作任务 10

3.1构建全过程管理体系的必要性 10

3.2全过程管理阶段划分 10

3.2全过程管理阶段工作任务 11

第4章 在线开放课程全过程管理成效评价 19

4.1 全过程管理阶段成效评价指标构建 19

4.2 全过程管理阶段成效评价指标权重的确定 24

4.3 全过程管理综合成效评价 25

第5章 全过程管理体系实施保障措施 30

5.1 组织保障 30

5.2 经费保障 30

5.3 技术保障 31

5.4 制度保障 32

第6章 总结与展望 33

6.1 全文总结 33

6.2 研究展望 33

参考文献 35

致谢 37

附录A 在线开放课程全过程建设研究调查问卷—教师版 38

附录B 在线开放课程全过程建设研究调查问卷—学生版 41

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景及意义







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