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 2021-04-08 20:50:51  

摘 要





The Internet age, education industry has entered a new development area, the new education idea and teaching method are beginning to influence the public life, thus to promote the emergence of the network teaching platform, network teaching platform is a kind of integrated data platform, is a tool for modern distance teaching, can effectively increase the speed of the spread of knowledge and update speed. In addition to colleges and universities, a large number of commercial training institutions have begun to enter the online education market. The market competition in the field of education tends to be white-hot. However, the construction of online teaching platform, as the carrier of online teaching, still lags behind the development of Internet technology. This article for the network teaching platform to further improve, understand its existing problems, combining with literature and network data, first of all, the background, present situation and development trend of the network teaching platform in narration, such as through analysis concluded that the existing obstacles in the development of network teaching platform, then choose to take an examination of worm as an example, with in-depth study on insect this quickly occupied a large market share in the education market success brand case, analysis its structure, marketing and market advantages, concluded that take an examination of in good propaganda and high quality service is gain mass appeal. The results show that some parts of the operation model can be used as a model for reference, and can provide a theoretical reference from many aspects and angles for the subsequent improvement of other online teaching platforms.Characteristics of this paper is to select the three-year-old alone has huge influence on insect company as the research object, the research on insect theory content is not much, in the process of analysis test insect company gradually obtain the strong characteristics of operation mode, summed up the network teaching platform of constructive Suggestions for reference.

Key Words:the network teaching platform; operation mode;kaochong operation


第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究目的及意义 2

1.2.1理论意义 2

1.2.2现实意义 2

1.3文献综述 2

1.4研究方法与研究内容 3

1.4.1研究方法 3

1.4.2研究内容 3

第2章 网络教学平台的概念与相关理论介绍 5

2.1网络教学平台内涵 5

2.2网络教学平台类型 5

2.3网络教学平台特点 6

2.3.1现代化教学 6

2.3.2智能化学习 6

2.4相关理论介绍 6

2.4.1使用与满足理论 7

2.4.2 4C理论 7

第3章 国内网络教学平台发展现状与存在的问题 8

3.1国内网络教学平台发展现状 8

3.2国内网络教学平台存在的问题 8

3.2.1交互性不足 9

3.2.2课程提供不合理 9

3.2.3平台的安全性不高 10

第4章 “考虫”教学平台的运营模式分析 12

4.1“考虫”简介 12

4.2精准的用户群体定位 12

4.3专注用户的前端运营 13

4.3.1用户群体 13

4.3.2数据维度 13

4.3.3流程优化 13

4.4用户为先的后端运营 13

4.4.1增加用户的依赖度 13

4.4.2加强与用户的交流 14

4.5多层次策划精准营销 14

4.5.1扩大品牌知名度 14

4.5.2提高品牌信任感 15

4.5.3高频次的抽奖推广 15

4.6社交化管理提升受众黏度 16

4.7直线职能提升市场决策 16

第5章 网络教学平台运营的对策与建议 18

5.1“考虫”的不足 18

5.2对策和建议 18

5.2.1结合5G优化平台体验 18

5.2.2提高平台网络防护技术 19

5.2.3提高课程质量 19

第6章 结束语 20

致谢 21

参考文献 22

第1章 绪论





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