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 2021-04-08 20:53:55  

摘 要



本文利用SolidWorks构建打印喷头的三维虚拟样机。同时,为了验证喷头加热端的设计以及隔热系统的设计的合理及可靠性,本文通过使用ANSYS Workbench对喷头加热端以及整体进行了热力学分析,其结果满足预期设计要求。



With today's increasingly competitive market, manufacturing is increasingly globalized and market-oriented, major strategic measures of intelligent manufacturing have been put forward by various countries and our coutry proposes the "made in China 2025" strategy.As an important technology in intelligent manufacturing, 3D printing has attracted more and more attention due to its low cost, fast and convenient production.

Based on the current situation of high price of 3D printer printing materials and unsatisfactory recycling of waste plastic bottles,combined with the knowledge of mechanical design, this topic combines the two. After modifying the waste PET plastic bottles by adding nucleating agent, it is used as the printing wire of the printer.Based on the flattening of the wire, the printhead is redesigned, and a new extrusion screw and nucleating agent addition device are designed. In order to ensure the work of the drive screw motor, the heat insulation system is designed to isolate the transfer of temperature at the heating end.

This paper uses SolidWorks to build 3d virtual prototype of printing nozzle. At the same time, in order to verify the rationality and reliability of the design of nozzle heating end and the design of thermal insulation system, this paper conducted a thermodynamic analysis of nozzle heating end and the whole system by using ANSYS Workbench, and the results met the expected design requirements.

Keywords: 3d printer, New type of environmental protection,PET, thermodynamics, Used plastic bottles

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 课题背景及研究的目的和意义 1

1.1.1 课题研究背景 1

1.1.2 课题研究目的及意义 2

1.2 国内外研究进展 3

1.2.1 增材制造技术研究现状 3

1.2.2 3D打印的主要制造技术 4

1.2.3 3D打印技术的应用 7

1.2.4 基于FDM的快速成型技术研究现状 8

1.2.5 3D打印材料研究现状 9

1.3 本文研究内容 11

第2章 成型材料研究设计 13

2.1 基于FDM常见打印材料性能分析 13

2.2 PET材料改性研究 14

2.2.1 PET结构及其性能特点 14

2.2.2 PET改性主要方法 15

2.2.3 成核剂对PET改性的影响 16

2.2.4 成核剂添加配比研究 17

第3章 新型3D打印机的机械结构设计 20

3.1 新型3D打印机机械系统构成 20

3.2 新型3D打印机机身设计 21

3.2.1 3D打印机机型结构的确定 21

3.2.2 运动系统三轴运动方式分析 24

3.3 新型3D打印机打印喷头设计 25

3.3.1 成核剂输送机构 26

3.3.2 螺杆挤出机构 27

3.3.3 加热及隔热机构 28

第4章 新型3D打印机喷头热力学及实验分析验证 33

4.1 打印喷头热力学分析 33

4.1.1 理论基础 33

4.1.2 喷头加热端的热分析 36

4.1.3 喷头系统的热分析 37

4.2 实验及分析验证 41

4.2.1 打印机工作性能测试 41

4.2.2 实物打印 42

第5章 经济性和环保性分析 44

5.1 经济性分析 44

5.1.1 与现有打印耗材比较 44

5.1.2 与现有废旧塑料瓶处理工艺比较 44

5.2 环保性分析 44

第6章 总结与展望 45

6.1 总结 45

6.2 展望 46

参考文献 47

致 谢 49

第1章 绪论

1.1 课题背景及研究的目的和意义

1.1.1 课题研究背景




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