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 2021-04-19 01:28:09  

摘 要

Abstract 4

1绪 论 6

1.1本文研究的背景 6

1.2本文研究的意义和目的 6

1.3本文研究的主要内容 7

2蛛网模型分析方法 8

2.1蛛网模型理论 8

2.2蛛网模型的运用领域和运用现状 8

3国内外轮毂电机驱动技术的发展历程及应用现状 9

3.1轮毂电机技术的发展历程 9

3.1.1阶段:1900年-20世纪末 9

3.1.2阶段:2001年-2010年 10

3.1.3阶段:2011年-2018年 11

3.2国内外轮毂电机驱动车辆应用现状 12

3.2.1国外轮毂电机驱动车辆应用现状 12

3.2.2国内轮毂电机驱动车辆应用现状 13

4国内外轮毂电机的结构形式的对比分析 15

4.1轮毂电机驱动技术要求 15

4.2轮毂电机结构的对比分析 15

4.2.1内转子轮毂电机 15

4.2.2外转子轮毂电机 17

4.2.3两种轮毂电机关键技术的对比 18

4.3轮毂电机现存在的问题及解决方案 20

4.3.1轮毂电机转矩脉动问题 20

4.3.2永磁体退磁问题 20

4.3.3电机冷却和散热问题 21

5国内外电机驱动系统的布置形式的对比分析 22

5.1电机驱动技术 22

5.1.1中央电机驱动技术 22

5.1.2电驱动桥技术 23

5.1.3轮边电机驱动技术 24

5.1.4轮毂电机驱动技术 26

5.2四种电机驱动技术的比较和分析 26

5.3轮毂电机驱动系统现存问题及解决方案 28

5.3.1非簧载质量问题 28

5.3.2垂向振动负效应问题 28

5.3.3在整车上的集成应用问题 29

5.4电机驱动技术的应用和发展 29

6轮毂电机驱动技术发展趋势及展望 31

6.2发展趋势 31

6.3展望 32

参考文献 34

致 谢 36

摘 要







With the acceleration of the consumption of traditional energy, the new energy automobile has become an important development direction of the automobile industry, one of which is the technology of hub motor drive.Wheel hub motor driven car compared with the traditional internal combustion engine drive vehicle, with energy saving province space and the advantages of high energy utilization rate, but there are obvious shortcomings and defects: increasing the moment of inertia and electric braking performance is limited.Hub motor drive technology is quite forward-looking in the field of new energy vehicles, it represents the end of the development of electric vehicles.However, due to the immaturity of hub motor drive technology and the fact that it is still in the research and development stage, it cannot be applied in the market.Because it still has various shortcomings and defects in various aspects, it still needs to be improved by the automobile industry and scientific research institutions of various countries, so it has presented a situation of hundreds of contention.The main performance is in the hub motor, vehicle chassis structure layout these two aspects.Now many car companies and research companies in the world take hub motor drive technology as the research and development hotspot, and believe that it will have a broad application prospect in pure electric vehicles in the near future.

In this paper, the differences between the hub motor itself and the layout of the whole vehicle drive system are studied.Firstly, a summary of the development process of hub motor is presented, and the application status of hub motor driving vehicles at home and abroad is expounded by referring to data and searching data.Then on the structure of the wheel hub motor itself and the outer rotor hub for inner rotor wheel motor, motor are discussed, and combined with hub motor in the application of the technology at home and abroad has carried on the comparative analysis on the path.Secondly, through comparison and analysis of electric vehicles at home and abroad on the vehicle drive system the layout of the difference, the central motor drive system, electric drive axle system, wheel motor drive system and wheel motor drive system the difference between the four kinds of motor drive system, and combining the instance analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of these four kinds of drive system.Finally, the paper wheel motor drive with existing problems to solve, and development trend through analysis of the wheel hub motor, hope to solve the problems and defects existing in the wheel hub motor technology, can help bring wheel motor drive technology is widely applied to the real life, the development of pure electric vehicles, and the new situation.

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