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 2021-04-19 21:30:58  

摘 要






With the development of the world economy,the scope of freight transportation is expanding and the demand for shipping is increasing day by day. Shipping has the advantage of being able to transport large quantities of goods,which is more economical than other modes of freight transportation. However,ships often encounter various sea conditions during the long period of freight transportation, which requires the ship to maintain a good state. At the same time,modern ships are becoming more and more intelligent and information,and the demand for electricity is also increasing. It is required that the ship auxiliary power generation engine can provide the electrical energy required by the ship continuously and effectively under various working conditions.

Aiming at the fault mechanism and maintenance decision tree of the cylinder liner of a ship auxiliary power generation engine, this paper focuses on the fault mechanism and maintenance decision tree of cylinder liner wear,and introduces the cylinder liner structure of ship auxiliary power generation engine. The wear type and its fault mechanism,the maintenance methods for different faults and so on.

On the basis of data collection,several operating conditions of the diesel engine cylinder sleeve for auxiliary power generation of ships are obtained after the inspection of the shipyard,and on this basis,the fault mechanism,the type of fault and the maintenance method are matched,and the decision tree is drawn.

Keywords: Marine auxiliary generation engine;fault mechanism;maintenance decision tree;


摘要 I

Abstract II

目录 1

第一章 绪论 3

1.1研究背景及意义 3

1.2国内外研究现状 3

1.2.1国内故障诊断研究现状 4

1.2.2故障诊断方法 4

1.2.3 决策树国内研究现状 6

1.3研究内容及章节安排 6

第二章 船舶柴油机故障类型 8

2.1 船舶辅助发电用柴油机主要部件 8

2.1.1船舶柴油机总体结构 8

2.1.2 船舶柴油机主要部件的功能 8

2.2 船舶柴油机常见故障类型 9

第三章 船舶柴油机缸套磨损故障机理分析 12

3.1船舶辅助发电用发动机缸套 12

3.1.1气缸套类型 12

3.1.2气缸套结构 12

3.2柴油机气缸套故障分析 14

3.2.1FMEA定义 14

3.2.2 FMEA分析的基本流程 14

3.3缸套磨损类型及机理 15

3.4气缸套磨损的原因 16

3.4.1 润滑油质量 16

3.4.2柴油机工作条件 16

3.4.3 装配质量 17

3.5 故障模式及影响分析FMEA 17

3.6故障影响模式及危害性分析 FMECA 19

3.7故障树分析 FTA 20

第四章 缸套磨损维修决策树的建立 23

4.1缸套磨损维修方式 23

4.2绘制FMEA表和FTA故障树图 23

4.3确定故障模式的可靠度和严酷等级 27

第五章 基于故障机理分析的维修决策树 28

5.1决策的类型介绍 28

5.1.1确定型决策 29

5.1.2非确定型决 29

5.1.3风险型决策 30

5.2单故障模式维修方案决策 30

5.2.1决策流程 30

5.2.2气缸套主要维修活动类别 30

5.2.3决策树分析法 31

5.2.4 实例分析 32

第六章 总结 35

6.1结论 35

6.2展望 35

参考文献 37

致谢 38

第一章 绪论






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