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 2021-04-21 22:48:04  

摘 要





Heavy metal chromium pollution has attracted much attention due to its serious threat to ecological environment and human life safety. As a low-energy-consuming and low-cost sewage treatment technology, constructed wetland has been paid more attention, while substrate, whose adsorption will reach saturation easily and the adsorption capacity is small, is an important component in constructed wetlands. The substrate plays a key role in removing heavy metal chromium. Therefore, how to choose an efficient and low-cost substrate has become a hot-spot problem to be solved in this research field. Layered double hydroxides (LDHs) have excellent adsorption properties due to their unique physicochemical properties and they are widely used in catalysis, electrochemistry, water treatment, etc. However, powdered LDHs can cause blocking easily and are difficult to do solid-liquid separation at later stages when used in practical constructed wetlands. Therefore, we choose maifanite as the research object. Under alkaline conditions, MgAl-LDHs and MgFe-LDHs are synthesized by the co-precipitation method, and then in-situ coated on the surface of the original maifanite substrates. The newly synthesized LDHs-modified maifanite and original substrates are filled into the experimental columns respectively to construct a simulated constructed wetland system. The purification experiments were conducted to explore the removal performance of maifanite substrates for Cr(VI) before and after modification. Hence, the optimal Mg-LDHs-modified substrate could be determined and applied to practical constructed wetlands.

The results of purification experiments show that removal performance of original maifanite is able to be improved owing to Mg-LDHs coating on maifanite, especially the MgAl-LDHs-modified maifanite substrates whose average removal rate of Cr(VI) is 2.5 times as many as the original maifanite substrates. The Cr(VI) removal performance of the three substrates follow the order: MgAl-LDHs-modified maifanitegt; MgFe-LDHs-modified maifanitegt; original maifanite. Comparing the removal performance between the experimental group and the control group (adding chloroform into raw water for inhibiting microorganisms), we can find that the microbial action is relatively small since the difference of Cr(VI) removal rats between two groups respectively is 0~ 3%, demonstrating that microbes have a weak effect on removing Cr(VI). Additionally, there exists reduction from Cr(VI) to Cr(III) by detecting the contents of total chromium and Cr(VI) in effluents.

Keywords: Constructed wetlands; Maifanite substrates; Mg-LDHs-modification; purification experiments; Cr(VI) removal


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 铬的处理方法 1

1.1.1 吸附法 1

1.1.2 还原沉淀法 2

1.1.3 离子交换法 2

1.2 人工湿地 3

1.2.1 人工湿地去除重金属的机理 3

1.2.2 基质 3

1.2.3 植物 4

1.2.4 微生物 5

1.3 LDHs概述 5

1.3.1 LDHs的结构 5

1.3.2 LDHs的制备 5

1.3.3 LDHs的特性及应用 6

1.4 课题研究的意义 7

1.5 课题研究目标及内容 8

1.5.1 研究目标 8

1.5.2 研究内容 8

1.5.3 研究线路图 9

第2章 麦饭石基质的LDHs覆膜改性 10

2.1 实验材料及仪器 10

2.1.1 实验主要材料 10

2.1.2仪器和设备 10

2.2 Mg-LDHs覆膜改性麦饭石基质的制备 10

2.2.1 相关溶液的配置 10

2.2.2 改性实验步骤 11

2.3 材料表征 11

2.3.1 改性前后麦饭石表观特征分析 11

2.3.2 改性前后麦饭石化学组成分析 12

2.4 本章小结 13

第3章 净化实验系统及方法 14

3.1 模拟人工湿地小试系统 14

3.2 测定所用试剂及仪器 14

3.3 Cr(VI)的测定 14

3.3.1 测定方法 14

3.3.2 标准曲线的绘制 14

3.4 总铬的测定 15

3.4.1 测定原理 15

3.4.2 测定方法 15

3.4.3 标准曲线的绘制 15

第4章 净化实验结果与讨论 16

4.1 净化实验结果 16

4.1.1 Cr(VI)的净化效果 16

4.1.2 总铬的净化效果 17

4.2 微生物的作用 18

4.3 讨论 19

4.3.1 基质对Cr(VI)的去除作用 19

4.3.2 Cr(VI)的还原作用 20

4.4 小结 21

第5章 结论与建议 22

5.1 结论 22

5.2 建议 22

参考文献 23

致谢 26

第1章 绪论


在自然界中铬的存在形态从零价到六价,但只有两种价态:六价铬(Cr(VI))和三价铬(Cr(III))能稳定存在。Cr(VI)和Cr(III)主要是以化合物的形式存在,其中Cr(VI)的离子形态主要有HCrO4-、CrO42-和Cr2O72-,随着pH的变化,Cr(VI)的存在形态也会发生变化[2],Cr(VI)对人体有较强的毒性,具有“三致”效应[3];Cr(III)则主要是以Cr(OH)n(3-n) 的形式存在[4],在水体中能被水解为Cr(OH)3,少量的Cr(III)可以调节人体中的糖代谢,并可防止动脉硬化等。在中性或偏碱性溶液中,Cr(VI)能稳定存在,但在酸性溶液中Cr(VI)会部分转化为Cr(III)[5]。针对重金属污染危及人类生命安全这一问题,国务院已加大环境治理力度,于2011年正式批复《重金属污染综合防治“十二五”规划》[6]。因此,如何有效去除铬污染已成为很多水处理领域的研究热点。到目前为止已有多种去除水中Cr(VI)的方法,其中包括吸附[7-9]、还原沉淀法[10]、离子交换法[11]等。

1.1 铬的处理方法

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