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 2021-04-24 20:21:59  

摘 要






WeChat is an instant communication program released by Tencent, which is mainly used for mobile smart terminals. Wechat marketing has become a new type of business model. The WeChat moments is the most popular marketing method of WeChat marketing. For nine consecutive years, China has ranked first in global automobile production and sales. The auto industry has long been one of the pillar industries of China's national economy. However, in the context of slowing economic growth, the auto industry has gradually tended to grow slightly from its initial surge. How to overcome difficulties and maintain the momentum of growth in production and sales is an urgent problem for automobile practitioners.

For a long time, automobile advertising channels mainly include paper media, portal websites, vertical websites, etc. WeChat moments has injected new life into automobile marketing. In order to enhance competitiveness in the fierce industrial competition, automobile practitioners need to use the WeChat moments to promote products. However, users who have paid attention to the WeChat moments advertising for automotive products generally have different opinions on it. Some users are worried that the WeChat moments advertising for automotive products may affect the normal browsing, and thus lead to the rejection of WeChat moments. This kind of audience psychology will weaken the utility of the WeChat moments advertising for automotive products. Therefore, it is important for automobile practitioners to pay more attention to improving the users' attention to moments advertising.

This paper makes use of the methods of theoretical research and empirical research to explore the factors affecting the behavior of auto advertising in WeChat moments. First, the relevant background was introduced and related research was sorted out. Then, on the basis of the TAM based variable, combined with the WeChat moments advertising for automotive products, the paper selectively adds some independent variables. For example, perceived disturbing, perceived precision, perceived risk, perceived enjoyment and subjective norm. Taking the gender, age, income level, advertising push time, and the time spent on WeChat as control variables, the new model was established, new hypothesis were proposed, and the questionnaire was formulated. Then, an empirical study was conducted on it, and SPSS and AMOS were used for verification. Finally, based on the model, the paper puts forward suggestions on how to push advertisements in WeChat moments to attract users' attention.

Key Words: automobile products;WeChat moments;WeChat advertisements;attention behavior

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景与目的 1

1.2 研究方法及技术路线 2

1.2.1 研究方法 2

1.2.2 技术路线 2

第2章 相关文献综述 4

2.1 基本概念界定 4

2.1.1 微信与微信朋友圈 4

2.1.2 微信朋友圈广告 4

2.1.3 关注行为 4

2.2 国外相关研究综述 5

2.2.1 国外微信相关研究 5

2.2.2 技术接受模型理论综述 5

2.3 国内相关研究综述 6

2.3.1 微信广告相关研究 6

2.3.2 技术接受模型在营销中的应用 7

第3章 模型构建和研究假设 9

3.1 变量选取 9

3.1.1 文献研究选取变量 9

3.1.2 用户访谈确定变量 10

3.2变量与研究假设 10

3.2.1 感知有用性 10

3.2.2 感知易用性 10

3.2.3 关注意向与关注行为 11

3.2.4 感知趣味性 11

3.2.5 感知干扰性 11

3.2.6 感知风险性 11

3.2.7 感知准确性 12

3.2.8 主观规范 12

3.2.9 控制变量 12

3.3 研究模型 12

第4章 研究设计 14

4.1 变量测量维度设计 14

4.2 问卷调查 15

4.2.1 设计与预调查 15

4.2.2 正式问卷 15

4.3 数据收集方式 16

第5章 数据分析及假设验证 17

5.1 描述性统计分析 17

5.1.1 个人信息描述性统计分析 17

5.1.2 背景信息描述性统计分析 18

5.2 信度分析 19

5.3 效度分析 20

5.3.1 内容效度 20

5.3.2 结构效度 20

5.4 方差分析 22

5.4.1 性别对各因子的方差分析 22

5.4.2 年龄对各因子的方差分析 23

5.4.3 收入水平对各因子的方差分析 25

5.4.4 广告推送时间对各因子的方差分析 27

5.4.5 使用微信时长对各因子的方差分析 29

5.5 结构方程假设检验 31

第6章 总结 34

6.1 研究结论 34

6.2 微信朋友圈广告营销建议 35

6.3 研究局限和展望 37

参考文献 38

附 录 40

致 谢 44

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景与目的

网络技术不断进步,我国已经由互联网时代逐步进入移动互联网时代。微信(微信海外版WeChat)是2011年腾讯公司发布的一个主要用于智能手机终端的即时通信程序,具有即时通信和社交网络服务等功能。现如今,微信已经成为了我国最大的移动社交平台。微信通过 “朋友圈”、“公众平台”“小程序”等服务插件为用户与商家搭建交流平台。其中,微信朋友圈广告以其受众广、成本低等优势,受到商家与用户的喜爱。2015年1月微信官方在朋友圈发布了第一批广告。微信朋友圈广告由此进一步受到学者、商家、用户的关注。



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