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 2021-04-29 22:10:38  

摘 要



本文通过文献查阅的方法了解近几年学者对校车服务质量与顾客满意度的研究现状,运用多层次服务质量模型来进行服务质量研究假设的提出与问卷设计。在实证研究过程中,是将武汉高校的在校大学生作为调查对象,来得出调查对象对问卷设计的18个问题满意度的结果。运用信度与效度的分析方法,来分析量表设计的可靠性与结构效度,同时利用SPSS 17.0来对服务质量与顾客满意度进行相关分析与回归分析。研究结果发现:“武汉高校”的大学生对校车的服务质量的满意度是介于比较不满意与一般满意之间。其中,“武汉高校”的大学生对设计质量、专业质量的满意度相对满意,对价格质量的满意程度是接近一般满意,而对态度质量、制度质量与安全质量的满意程度较低。因此,围绕如何提升服务质量层次,是从态度、制度与安全三个方面来进行优化建议的提出。



According to the economist in England, he divided the economic stage into three stages. Belonging to the era of service economy, The main direction for scholars researching the service quality is service quality model and the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction; Under the background of the service age, in recent years, the number of college students and the school buses showed a rising trend; Meanwhile, During the five year period before 2011, school buses accident reached more than 40 at home. The probability of a school bus accident in the United States is close to 0.01. The reason of causing this condition is foreign government following the higher attention for the school buses. Since 2012, the attention about the government following the school-buses security reaches another peak. According to the narrative of the four kinds of background, the researchers separated research school-buses, service quality and customer satisfaction. In the thesis, the research will be culminated.

The main research content of this paper is from five parts. Part one, through literature review and data collection, we explain the purpose and the significance of the topic, research methods, we also analysis of domestic and international research status. Part two, based on the school bus service quality satisfaction, we will elaborate the self cognition for service quality and satisfaction. Part three, based on the characteristics of the school buses, we propose service quality latitude and structure model. Part four, according to the construction of the model, we propose research hypothesis and design questionnaire. Using data analysis software, we conduct data analysis to verify the research hypothesis. The fifth part, Aiming at the problem of discovery, we put forward optimization suggestions.

In the thesis, through the method of literature review, we can understand the research status of the school bus service quality and customer satisfaction in recent years. It need to applicate multi level service quality model to propose research hypothesis of service quality and design questionnaire. In the process of empirical study, we regard college students in Wuhan as Object of investigation to obtain the result that object of investigation satisfied with 18 questions of questionnaire design. Using analysis of reliability and validity, we can analyze reliability and construct validity of the scale design. Meanwhile, we can use spss 17.0 for the correlation analysis and regression analysis between service quality and customer satisfaction. Research results found: Wuhan College students on the school bus service quality satisfaction is between the comparisons are not satisfied with the general satisfaction. Among them, "Wuhan University College of design quality, professional quality satisfaction relatively satisfactory, the degree of satisfaction for the price and quality is close to the general satisfaction, and on the quality of attitude, satisfaction degree of institutional quality and safety and quality is low. Therefore, how to enhance the quality of service level, from the attitude system and security aspects to optimize suggestions.

Key words: School-buses; College Students; Service Quality; Customer Satisfaction

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究目的与研究意义 2

1.1.1 研究目的 2

1.1.2 研究意义 2

1.2 国内外文献研究现状 3

1.2.1 有关校车的相关研究综述 3

1.2.2 服务质量的概念界定及要素提出 4

1.2.3 顾客满意度理论及模型研究 5

1.3 研究方法与研究内容 7

1.3.1 研究方法 7

1.3.2 研究内容 8

第2章 校车服务质量满意度的理论综述 10

2.1 校车的概念及特征 10

2.2 校车服务质量的概念、内涵与模型构建 10

2.2.1 校车服务质量的概念与内涵 10

2.2.2 校车服务质量模型的构建 11

2.3 基于校车服务质量角度下的满意度理论研究 13

2.4 校车的服务质量与顾客满意度的关系研究 13

第3章 服务质量维度提取与模型构建 15

3.1 构成维度的提取方法 15

3.1.1 本文因素提炼的方法 15

3.1.2 因素的名称与内涵 15

3.2 本文服务质量研究模型构建 15

第4章 实证研究——以武汉高校为例 17

4.1 研究假设 17

4.2问卷设计及调查 18

4.2.1调查问卷的设计 18

4.2.2 调查对象的选取 19

4.3 数据处理方法 20

4.4 数理统计 20

4.4.1 描述性统计 20

4.4.2 数据的可靠性分析 21

4.4.3 服务质量的因子分析及结果 22

4.4.4 服务质量与顾客满意度的相关分析 25

4.4.5 服务质量与顾客满意度的回归分析 28

4.5 结果讨论 30

第5章 对策建议与研究展望 32

5.1 基于校车服务质量提出的相关建议 32

5.1.1 基于校车数量与校车时间提出的建议 32

5.1.2 基于校车管理制度与司机服务态度提出的建议 33

5.1.3 基于校车安全提出的建议 33

5.2 研究局限与研究展望 34

参考文献 35

附录A 37

致 谢 39

第1章 绪论



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