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 2021-04-29 22:40:09  

摘 要

Abstract III

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景及意义 1

1.1.1研究背景 1

1.1.2研究意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 2

1.3研究内容及方法 2

1.3.1研究内容 2

1.3.2研究方法 3

1.3.3技术路线 3

第2章 冷链物流绩效评价体系概述 5

2.1冷链物流概述 5

2.1.1冷链物流的适用范围 5

2.1.2生鲜农产品冷链物流的构成 5

2.2建立绩效评价体系的基本理论和原则 6

第3章 生鲜农产品冷链物流绩效评价体系设计 8

3.1 评价指标的选取 8

3.1.1企业资本水平 8

3.1.2冷链物流运输水平 9

3.1.3仓储管理水平 9

3.1.4物流信息化水平 10

3.1.5目标客户管理效果 10

3.2评价体系的构建 12

第4章 绩效评价体系的应用步骤 12

4.1层次分析法 13

4.1.1评价指标的量化 13

4.1.2层次分析法的应用 13

4.2模糊综合法的评价过程 15

第5章 冷链物流绩效评价体系的实证研究-以双汇集团为例 17

5.1双汇集团冷链物流的背景及现状分析 17

5.2双汇集团冷链物流绩效评价指标的权重的确定 17

5.2.1评价指标体系权重的确定过程 17

5.2.2评价指标体系权重的确定结果 20

5.3利用模糊综合法进行绩效评价 21

5.3.1建立模糊关系矩阵 21

5.3.2双汇冷链物系统的绩效评价 22

第6章 总结与展望 25

6.1总结 25

6.2展望 25

参考文献 27

致 谢 28

摘 要





With the approach of Eco-business era, people’s consumption idea has transformed from singleness to modernized diversification and convenience. Not only fresh、 healthy、safe and nutritious agriculture products are requested, but also the various specifications and timely delivery. Although cold chain logistics possesses a great potential to develop, the lack of technical professionals and a large lag in fundamental construction has caused that china is still in primary stage in cold chain logistics. Therefore, it is urgently necessary for us to build the system of cold chain logistic in raw and fresh agriculture products.

Laid the fundamention of modern logistics and system method, and the current

situation in cold chain logistics of Shuanghui Corporation, my essay formed a reasonable performance evaluation system in raw and fresh agriculture products with the method of

literature research method and analytic hierarchy process(AHP). When choosing the evaluation standard, I combined the application of Eco-business with the system of cold chain logistics in raw and fresh agriculture products in order to reflect the integrative situation in the logistics against the background of Eco-business. Then with the method of fuzzy comprehensive

evaluation, I draw a conclusion on the situation and statistics of the cold chain logistics of raw and fresh agriculture products in Shuanghui Corporation. Finally, I put forward the prospects and some advice on the logistics based on Eco-business platform.

Key words: raw and fresh agriculture、 Eco-business、cold chain logistics and performance evaluation.

第1章 绪论




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