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 2021-05-06 12:32:01  

摘 要





With the increasingly serious problem of traffic congestion and air pollution, the development of new energy vehicles has been highly concerned by the automobile manufacturers, the government and many consumers. Capital flow, logistics and information flow move back and forth in the complex system of new energy automotive business model. The purpose of building a new energy commuter car business model is to build a, a suitable system and environment mode for the development of new energy vehicles, so that the system can achieve the optimal state.

First, this paper describes the background and significance of the study as well as the domestic and foreign new energy commuter car research situation; secondly, the thesis summarizes the characteristics of city residents commuting travel, the status quo and problems in city residents; again, the thesis gives the definition of new energy and commuter car commercial operation mode, the core elements of business the operation mode and the existing four kinds of important business model. Through the analysis of domestic and foreign commuter bus operation examples, we summarize them as rental site model and free flow model. moreover, combined them with examples, comparing the pros and cons of each model, we concluded that China's new energy commuter car commercial operation experience; finally, Through analysis, we get the definition of new energy car for commuting the commercialized operation mode and its key elements. Then we build new energy vehicle commercial operation models and its profit models and gives the new energy commuter cost advantage in the economic aspect.

Keywords:new energy;commuter cars;commercial operation mode;profit model

目 录

摘要 1

Abstract 2

第1章 绪论 5

1.1论文的背景及意义 5

1.1.1论文背景 5

1.1.2论文研究意义 6

1.2国内外研究现状 8

1.2.1国内研究现状 8

1.2.2国外研究现状 9

第2章 通勤出行现状 11

2.1通勤出行现状 11

2.1.1道路拥堵 11

2.1.2职住分离,通勤距离长 12

2.1.3潮汐现象 13

2.2居民出行特征 13

2.2.1北京市居民出行特征 13

2.2.2长沙市居民出行特征 13

2.2.3鄂州市居民出行特征 16

2.3小结 17

3.1.1新能源通勤车的概念 18

3.1.2新能源通勤车的兴起与发展 18

3.1.3政府对新能源汽车的政策 20

3.2新能源通勤车运营模式分析 20

3.2.1整车出售模式 21

3.2.2整车租赁、充换结合模式 22

3.2.3电池租赁模式 22

3.2.4整车共享模式 23

3.3国内外新能源通勤车商业化运营项目概述及比较 23

3.3.1国内外新能源通勤车商业化运营模式创新项目 23

3.3.2国内外新能源通勤车商业化运营模式对比 25

第4章 新能源通勤车商业化运营模式的构建 27

4.1新能源通勤车商业化运营模式的界定 27

4.2新能源通勤车商业模式的构成要素 27

4.2.1经营环境 28

4.2.2价值主题 28

4.2.3价值战略 28

4.2.4业务模式 28

4.2.5市场实现 28

4.3新能源通勤车商业化运营模式的设计 28

4.3.1中小城市的新能源通勤车商业化运营模式 29

4.3.2大城市的新能源通勤车商业化运营模式 29

4.3.3特大城市的新能源通勤车商业化运营模式 29

4.4商业模式盈利模型 30

4.4.1整车租赁盈利模式 31

4.4.2油电价差盈利模式 31

4.4.3电池租赁盈利模式 32

第5章 总结与展望 35

5.1 结论 35

5.2 展望 35

参考文献 37

致谢 38

第1章 绪论





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