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 2021-05-13 22:53:56  

摘 要







With China’s rapid economic growth, the construction enterprises have a broad prospect for development. But at the same time, the enterprises are competing fiercely. In order to figure out the advantages and disadvantages and to be more competitive, it’s important to establish a scientific and effective model of performance evaluation for the construction enterprises which can help to enhance its performance in specific aspects.

About the indexes, We selected 30 construction enterprises randomly, choosing the method of factor analysis and find out the principle factor, then build up a performance evaluation system which combines financial indicators and non-financial indicators. After analyzing, we know that the BaoYingGuFen, DongFangYuHong, WeiXingXinCai and ZhongGuoJianZhu rank highly, which occupy the slots of the top four. According to the model, the following suggestions are put forward for the further development of the enterprise:

(1) The profit capacity which represents the first principal component owns the highest weight in the composite score, it indicates that it has the greatest impact on the performance evaluation of construction enterprises. At the same time, the influence of other index decrease along with the reducing weights.

(2) The financial index is the most intuitive for the enterprise performance evaluation, we mainly choose the solvency capacity, operational capacity, profit capacity, and grow capacity as financial indicators. And then select the qualities of the employees, ability to create and the goodwill as supplement, which can make the model better.

Key Words:Factor analysis; Construction enterprises; Performance evaluation index;

Evaluation system

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1问题来源和研究意义 1

1.1.1 问题来源 1

1.1.2 研究意义 2

1.2 国内外研究现状 3

1.3本文主要思路与框架 4

第2章 因子分析方法的相关介绍 6

2.1 数据收集方法 6

2.2 绩效评价方法 7

2.3 因子分析方法 8

第3章 建筑施工企业绩效评价指标研究 10

3.1 建筑施工企业的特点 10

3.2 建筑施工企业绩效评价指标建立 10

3.2.1建筑施工企业绩效指标建立的影响因素 10

3.2.2构建建筑施工企业绩效考核体系的原则 11

3.2.3指标设计思路 12

3.2.4 绩效考核指标的确定 13

第4章 建筑施工企业绩效评价模型的建立 15

4.1数据的标准化 15

4.2 公共因子的提取 16

4.3 因子得分的计算 18

4.4 绩效评价结果的计算与分析 20

第5章结论与展望 23

参考文献 24

致谢 25

第1章 绪论


1.1.1 问题来源



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