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 2021-05-13 23:50:27  

摘 要




The aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis continued to affect the development of the world economy, economic scholars focus on the problem of the risk of national economic. In 2011 and 2013, the Audit Office launched a "debt storm", revealing the status quo of local government debt. Because of government borrowing, guarantees and government bailout, the scale of local government debt is on the verge of international alertness line level. Therefore, it is inevitable to establish a set of early warning system of the risk of local government debt, which is a great tool to promote sustainable economic development. The purpose of this paper is to establish a set of debt risk warning system, which monitors the state of debt of the government in real time, forecasts the debt risk, and provides ideas to avoid the risk. This paper is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, including the background, purpose and significance, the domestic and foreign literature review, and the content and methods of this paper. The second chapter mainly elaborates the basic theory of the early warning of debt risk, including the risk management theory as well as the basic method of early warning of debt risk. In the third chapter, according to the current situation of China's local debt, the local government debt risk early warning model is established according to the analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. Lastly, the fourth chapter mainly adopts the debt data of Zhejiang Province as an example to carry on the empirical analysis through the debt risk early warning model established in the previous chapter. The fifth chapter mainly comes up with some reasonable and feasible suggestions of improving the local government debt situation, which based on the causes of local government debt risk.

Key Words:Local government debt risk; Risk early warning;Debt management; Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2选题意义 1

1.3 国内外研究现状 2

1.4 研究内容与方法 3

第2章 债务风险预警的基础理论 5

2.1 风险管理理论概述 5

2.2 债务风险预警的基本方法 5

2.3 地方政府债务风险预警的常用指标 6

第3章 地方政府债务风险预警体系的建立 9

3.1 地方政府债务风险预警体系设计的必要性分析 9

3.2 地方政府债务风险预警体系设计的目标和原则 9

3.3 地方政府债务风险预警体系的设计 10

第4章 地方政府债务风险预警体系的运用——以浙江省为例 15

4.1 浙江省地方政府债务现状 15

4.2 浙江省地方政府债务风险成因分析 18

4.3 浙江省地方政府债务风险实证分析 19

第5章 完善各级地方政府债务风险管理的建议 22

5.1 调整分税制财政管理体制 22

5.2 建立地方政府性债务管理制度 22

5.3 完善地方政府的投融资机制 23

5.4 深化行政体制改革 23

结术语 24

参考文献 25

致谢 26

附录 27

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景

2008年世界范围内金融危机的爆发,引发了全球的经济波动,国内外相关领域的学者纷纷开始重视研究国家经济风险问题。针对金融危机对国家经济带来的冲击,各国都纷纷采取了措施以度过经济难关,中国推出的财政刺激计划和大量的信贷资金有效地推动了中国经济的缓慢增长。但经济的增长无法阻止地方政府债务规模的不断扩大, 1994年的分税制改革后,地方政府财政呈现的是入不敷出的状况,而与此同时,地方政府债务规模的持续增长使得关注我国地方政府的债务风险问题成为当务之急。



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