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 2021-05-18 22:44:24  

摘 要


本文通过对沪深两市2011至2015年10个行业包含632家上市公司的资产负债率及其他财务指标进行实证分析,采用了Kruskal-Wallis 非参数检验和LSD检验方法得出不同行业资本结构存在显著差异性。并通过行业资本结构折线图分析得出,一个行业的资本结构在时间上很稳定。在不同行业的上市公司资本结构存在差异的情况下,如果单个行业资本结构具有相对的稳定性,那么不同行业的资本结构差异在时间上也应具有稳定性。构建了行业虚拟变量回归模型,研究发现行业因素能够解释行业资本结构差异的7.82%。借鉴以前学者的研究方面,并增添了营运能力指标,建立多元回归模型研究行业因素与行业资本结构的相关性,发现了与国内外学者现有研究成果不一样的结果:①同一方面的不同指标与行业资本结构的相关性出现矛盾。例如同为盈利能力指标的总资产收益率与净资产收益率同行业资本结构的相关性是矛盾的,即前者负相关,后者正相关;②一些行业因素与不同行业资本结构的相关性也是不同的。而且通过P值检验和系数排序,总结出了影响不同行业的主导因素。



Under the trend of economic globalization nowadays, external environmental is more important to each enterprise. And the industry factors (such as the degree of competition in the industry, the national tax policy and industry maturity) make a difference to them more directly and thoroughly. Therefore, the study aiming to discover the difference of capital structure in different industry and find out the dominant industry factors, attaches great significance to help enterprises with gradually forming its own unique capital structure according to the specific factors of the industry. And then they can make full use of financial leverage and achieve the maximization of value finally.

In this paper, the asset liability ratio and other financial indicators of 632 listed companies from 2011 to 2015 in 10 industries in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets are used for an empirical analysis. By using the Kruskal -Wallis nonparametric test as well as LSD test, it was found that there is a difference in the capital structure of different industries in China. And as the line chart of industry capital structure from 2011 to 2015 showed, the listed companies' capital structure is relatively stable in the sample period. Therefore, the difference of capital structure in different industry is also maintained. Building a regression model of industry dummy variables, the study found that industry factors can explain the difference of industry capital structure by 7.82%. The operational capability index has been added while the previous research was adopted in this paper. And then, establishing the multiple regression model to observe the correlation between industry factors and industry capital structure, something different to the existing results of scholars both at home and abroad in this field has been discovered. The correlation between different indexes of the same aspect and the industry capital structure appears contradictory. For example, to define the correlation between earnings ability and capital structure of the industry, there is a contradiction that ROA has a negative impact on the industry capital structure while ROE makes a positive difference to the capital structure of industries. The correlation between the same industry element and different industries’ capital structure is also distinct. And according to the P and coefficient, the dominant factors of different industries have been ultimately summed up.

Key Words: The Difference Of Industry Capital Structure; Industry Characteristics; Listed Company


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究目的及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1 国外研究现状 2

1.2.2 国内研究现状 3

1.2.3 国内外研究现状综述 4

1.3 研究方法与研究内容 5

1.3.1 研究方法 5

1.3.2 研究内容 5

1.3.3 技术路线 6

第2章 上市公司资本结构相关理论及研究假设 7

2.1 资本结构理论 7

2.1.1 早期资本结构理论 7

2.1.2 现代资本结构理论 7

2.2 不同行业上市公司资本结构差异研究假设 9

2.2.1 行业资本结构差异研究假设 9

2.2.2 相关变量选择及定义 10

第3章 不同行业上市公司资本结构差异实证分析 13

3.1 行业分类选择及样本数据来源 13

3.2 模型构造原理 14

3.3 数据分析 15

3.3.1 初步描述性统计分析 15

3.3.2 多元回归分析 17

3.3.3结论与建议 30

第4章 研究结论与展望 33

4.1 研究结论 33

4.2 研究展望 34

参考文献 35

致谢 37

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究目的及意义



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