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 2021-05-18 23:04:46  

摘 要






With the development of economy, parking has become an important issue for the further development of our country big city transportation, in order to save land area, within the effective space increase parking garages, mechanical parking equipment with cover an area of an area small, parking the characteristics of safe and reliable, flexible, portable, has become the main trends of development of city parking lot. The rapid development of China's automobile industry, car into homes has become an inevitable trend, our country existing static traffic facilities cannot meet the demand of the reality of the car, parking has become a reality, inevitable problems. Mechanical three-dimensional parking is the effective method to solve the problem of parking difficulty big cities, therefore, our country the development of three-dimensional garage space is larger.

Although the parking equipment industry in our country there is a huge market space, but at present, the development of the mechanical three-dimensional parking equipment are not so good. In this paper, the first chapter introduces purpose and meaning, the second chapter presents the theory of industry life cycle, chapter 3, 4, 5, respectively from the economic environment, policy environment, technology environment such as macro factor analysis mechanical three-dimensional parking industry development, the economic environment is mainly from two aspects of writing; (1) the growth of the national economy, the increase of car ownership on the development of three-dimensional garage; (2) to predict the future of Beijing, Shanghai, wuhan and other areas of 10 car ownership and a parking space gap, to discuss the development prospect of the stereo garage. Written policy from two aspects: (1) perfect the national policy, (2) the incomplete national policy, two cases the impact on the development of three-dimensional garage. Technology environment mainly wrote about the investigation of the stereo garage in wuhan, understand the degree of intelligent three-dimensional garage, predict the future development trend of the stereo garage. Chapter 6, the three-dimensional garage development process and according to the industry life cycle analysis of the present status of the stereo garage in China. Chapter 7, write risk risk of three-dimensional garage development in our country, mainly from the economic risk, policy risk, competition risk, such as supply chain risk to risk. Finally, summarize the current situation of the development of three-dimensional garage and research results, to predict the future development trend.

This paper analyzes the macro factors affecting the development of three-dimensional garage, suggested to strengthen the propaganda of three-dimensional garage, encourage people to invest in the three-dimensional garage, provide preferential policies for three-dimensional garage construction, perfect the rules of the stereo garage; To understand the current situation of three-dimensional garage, put forward the three-dimensional garage control system, combined with the mobile phone from reservation function to the intelligent direction.

Key words: automotive industry; Stereoscopic parking industry. The macro factors

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1论文研究背景 1

1.2研究的目的及意义 4

1.2.1论文目的 4

1.2.2论文意义 4

第2章 企业发展生命周期理论 5

2.1幼稚期 5

2.2成长期 5

2.3成熟期 6

2.4衰退期 6

第3章 经济环境 7

3.1 汽车行业 7

3.1.1 2011-2015年中国汽车产销量 7

3.1.2 预测2016-2025年全国汽车保有量 7

3.1.3 预测2016-2025年典型城市停车位缺口 8

3.2 房地产行业 12

3.2.1房地产行业的发展现状 12

3.2.2 房地产与停车行业的相关性 13

第4章 政策环境 15

4.1已经完善的立体停车行业相关的法规 15

4.1.1 城市停车设施建设的总体要求 15

4.1.2各地政策 16

4.1.3武汉政策 17

4.2不完善的立体停车行业相关的法规 19

4.2.1立体车场属性不清晰 19

4.2.2审批繁琐耗时长 19

4.2.3立体车库寿命、质保期不明确 19

第5章 技术环境 21

5.1武汉立体车库智能化分析 21

5.2智能化立体车库的特点 21

5.2.1智能化立体车库的优点 21

5.2.2智能化立体车库存、取车过程 22

5.3智能化技术在立体车库的应用 23

5.4智能化立体车库未来发展 23

第6章 立体车库的发展现状 25

6.1国内立体车库的发展 25

6.2立体车库的发展分析 26

第7章 中国立体车库行业面临的风险 28

7.1经济环境风险 28

7.1.1国家投资重点不在立体车库行业 28

7.1.2立体车库投资金额高,收益少 28

7.2国内行业政策风险 29

7.3竞争风险 29

7.4供应链风险 30

7.5措施 30

结 论 32

参考文献 34

致 谢 35

第1章 绪论



我国立体车库发展时间较短,现在立体车库的知名度还是比较低的,我们想要了解立体车库未来市场,首先了解汽车后市场的现状及未来的发展趋势。汽车后市场(After Market),指的是汽车整车销售以后的各个环节,它包含了两个方面:(1)狭义上:它包含了汽车维保、零配件、美容、改装、油品、出租、保险、广告、装潢等内容;(2)广义上:包含了交通信息服务、驾校、车友俱乐部、停车场、救援系统、二手车等方面。

汽车后市场的规模增长有3个驱动因素:①汽车保有量逐年增加,经调查可得,全球的汽车保有量从2004年的8.5亿辆到2015年的12亿辆(R.L.POLK MARKETING SYSTEMS 公司数据),汽车后市场规模也相应扩大;②汽车平均车龄增加,汽车随着使用的年限增加,汽车很容易出故障,因此花费在维保的费用在增加;③随着汽车电子智能化的提升,汽车的智能化、多样化也不断提升,带动了汽车后市场规模变大。本文主要讨论的是汽车保有量的变化情况。

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