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 2021-06-08 01:19:34  

摘 要







The popularity of smart mobile phone and mobile Internet has brought great change into people's lifestyles and consumption patterns, Alipay and WeChat as the inevitable outcome of this period, because of its reality, timeliness, convenience, interactivity and participation features obtained a large number of user groups, and gradually developed into the era of extremely important marketing tools. Many businesses also gradually realize marketing using Alipay and WeChat's potential value. So Alipay and WeChat become the new darling of the marketing field.

Alipay initially as a third party payment software, after 10 years of development, its function is more and more diversified. It has become a set of social communication, commodity transaction, family accounts, groups payment and many other functions for the range of integrated platform, which is simple, fast and safe. It also determines the Alipay main marketing mode is the service marketing, marketing to serve as the core. And the types of services related to the user in all aspects of life, provides a great convenience for the user. But in the process of development, transaction security problems, the limitations of the brand image problem also gradually revealed, has become an urgent obstacles.

WeChat was born in 2011, has been upgraded to become the most popular instant messaging software, with real-time, highly interactive, entertaining and comprehensive. WeChat public platform and a powerful location for the positioning of WeChat's precision marketing to improve the breakthrough, is the dissemination of marketing information targeted, improve marketing effectiveness. In addition, the micro channel circle of friends as a "circle of acquaintances", not only for the user provides a self presentation and a way to understand the dynamics of friends, but also provides a good platform for word-of-mouth marketing, is conducive to the rapid expansion of new users. But there are also limitations of marketing information dissemination, micro business system is not perfect, push the content of homogenization and other issues, these problems if not a good solution is bound to affect the marketing effectiveness of WeChat marketing.

In general, marketing to promote the development of e-commerce to a great extent by Alipay and WeChat, make e-commerce more close to daily life, but now Alipay and WeChat marketing marketing is still in the exploratory stage, has not yet fully mature, the development potential is huge. According to their own problems,I also put forward some development proposals, such as to give top priority to product quality, to improve the value of advertising communication in the way of emotional appeal, to push reasonable marketing information, to innovative marketing services and so on. I hope these proposals will have reference the significance of marketing for the enterprises to make better use of Alipay and WeChat.

Key words: Alipay; WeChat; marketing mode; marketing communications


摘要 Ⅰ

Abstract Ⅱ

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景和意义 1

1.1.1 研究背景 1

1.1.2 研究意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1 国内研究现状 2

1.2.2 国外研究现状 2

1.3 研究内容和方法 3

1.3.1 研究内容 3

1.3.2 研究方法 3

1.4 研究创新点 4

第二章 相关概念阐述 5

2.1 社会化媒体营销 5

2.1.1 社会化媒体定义 5

2.1.2 社会化媒体营销概念 5

2.2 支付宝概述 6

2.2.1 支付宝的发展历程 6

2.2.2 支付宝的基本功能 6

2.2.3 支付宝的特点 7

2.3 微信概述 7

2.3.1 微信的发展历程 7

2.3.2 微信的基本功能 8

2.3.3 微信的特点 9

第三章 支付宝和微信营销模式比较分析 10

3.1 营销模式的比较 10

3.1.1 支付宝的营销模式 10

3.1.2 微信的营销模式 11

3.2 营销优势的比较 12

3.2.1 支付宝的营销优势 12

3.2.2 微信的营销优势 12

3.3 支付宝营销和微信营销各自的局限性 13

3.3.1 支付宝营销的局限性 13

3.3.2 微信营销的局限性 13

3.4 吸引用户资源途径的比较 14

3.4.1 支付宝吸引用户资源的途径 14

3.4.2 微信吸引用户资源的途径 14

第四章 新媒体营销的发展前景及发展建议 15

4.1 发展前景 15

4.2 发展建议 15

结论 17

参考文献 18

致谢 19

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景和意义

1.1.1 研究背景



1.1.2 研究意义

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