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 2021-06-24 23:12:51  

摘 要






September 2014, "the State Council on the basis of guidance golden waterway of the Yangtze River economic zone to promote the development of" issued and implemented, Wuhan formally established as a national shipping center, the construction will not only related to the rise of the central region of the strategic objectives, but also the relationship between the Yangtze River Economic with the implementation of the national strategy. Wuhan, the Yangtze River shipping center is facing an emphasis on maximizing opportunities and challenges.

Paper constructs shipping center competitiveness evaluation index system, application AHP- Element Extension comprehensive evaluation model to evaluate them for shipping in Wuhan will further pointed out the direction the construction of the Yangtze River economic zone to promote the implementation of the national strategy is important.

Contents of this paper are as follows: First, the research background and significance, research status at home and abroad on the basis of the contents and ideas presented in this paper. After analyzing the current situation of Wuhan shipping center development and competitiveness, analyzes the development status and shipping center in Wuhan problems, while the use of competitive analysis on SWOT analysis of the competitive analysis shipping center in Wuhan. Re-use of Wuhan Shipping Center Competence AHP- matter - element extension model, and finally on the basis of the above in such proposed to improve the shipping center in Wuhan competitive way.

Key words: wuhan Yangtze river shipping, Shipping transportation structure; security


第1章绪论 1

1.1研究背景与意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 2

1.3研究主要内容与思路 3

第2章武汉航运中心发展现状与竞争力分析 5

2.1武汉航运中心发展现状与问题分析 5

2.1.1武汉航运中心的现状 5

2.1.2武汉航运中心发展存在的问题 7

2.2武汉航运中心竞争力分析 9

第3章基于AHP-物元可拓模型的武汉航运中心竞争力评价 10

3.1AHP-物元可拓模型 10

3.2基于AHP-物元可拓模型的武汉长江中游航运中心竞争力评价 11

第4章提高武汉航运中心竞争力的途径 17

4.1航运服务与现代港口竞争力 17

4.2港口竞争力指数 17

4.3港口功能的发展 18

第五章总结与展望 20

参考文献 21

致 谢 23

第1章 绪论





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