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 2021-06-30 21:26:47  

摘 要


本文根据我国最新的火电厂大气排放标准,对某燃煤电厂最大烟气排放量为1.3×106 m3/h的锅炉配套的电除尘器进行了设计。首先对煤炭成分进行分析,综合考虑了排放烟气的比电阻、粒径分布和当地自然条件,进而确定了电除尘器的类型、电除尘器的收尘面积和尺寸大小。使烟尘颗粒的去除率达到了99.86%,出口烟尘的浓度低于30.0mg/m3,达到了国家排放标准。同时,本文根据排放烟气中SO2含量以及国家相关排放标准,确定了湿法脱硫的工艺,选定了合适的吸收塔,并对吸收塔和烟囱的尺寸进行了计算。完成了静电除尘和湿法脱硫系统的整体设计,能很好保证该燃煤电厂大气污染物排放达到国家标准。



In recent years, air pollution has gradually become an important factor affecting people’s health and quality of life, more and more people begin to pay attention to the problems caused by air pollution. To this end, the state has introduced a more stringent emission standards for flue gas. The major coal-fired power plants are also faced with the problem of improving their dust removal devices and reducing the concentration of flue gas emissions to meet the national standards.

According to the latest atmospheric emission standard of thermal power plant in China, this paper designs the electric precipitator for a coal-firde power plant whose maximum flue gas emission is 1.3×106 m3/h. Firstly, the composition of coal is analyzed, and the specific resistance, particle size distribution and local natural conditions are considered, and the dust collecting area and size of ESP are determined. The removal rate of the soot particles reached 99.86%, and the concentration of the outlet dust was lower than 30.0mg/m3, which reached the national emission standard. At the same time, according to the SO2 content and the national emission standard, the wet FGD process was determined, and the appropriate absorption tower was selected, and the size of the absorption tower and the chimney were calculated. Completed the overall design of electrostatic precipitation and wet desulfurization, can be very good to ensure that the coal-fired power plant atmospheric pollutant emissions to achieve the national standard.

Key Words:Coal-fired power plant; Air pollution; Electrostatic precipitator; Wet desulfurization

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 我国火力发电现状 1

1.2 粉尘污染及其特点 1

1.3 火电厂粉尘污染颗粒治理 2

第2章 除尘设备选择 4

2.1 我国燃料的构成 4

2.2 燃煤电厂锅炉的粉尘特点 4

2.3 除尘器的选用 5

第3章 电除尘器的选型计算和设计 7

3.1 设计依据 7

3.1.1 设计依据标准 7

3.1.2 设计内容 7

3.2 电除尘器的选型计算 9

3.2.1 电除尘器的选型 9

3.2.2 电除尘器总体尺寸的确定 12

3.2.3 电除尘器零部件的设计和计算 14

3.2.4 供电系统的设计 18

3.2.5 壳体 19

4.1 电除尘器的保温 20

4.2 电除尘器的防腐 20

第5章 仪器仪表 22

第7章 湿法脱硫系统的选型、计算和设计 23

7.1 设计依据 23

7.2 吸收塔的选型计算 23

7.2.1 吸收塔的选型 23

7.2.2 吸收塔的计算 24

7.3 石灰石浆液制备与供给系统的设计 25

7.4 烟囱的设计与计算 25

7.4.1 烟囱高度的计算 26

7.4.2 烟囱底部直径的计算 26

第8章 工程概算 27

第9章 结论 28

参考文献 29

致谢 31

第1章 绪论

1.1 我国火力发电现状



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