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 2021-07-01 00:38:52  

摘 要






In recent years, with the attention of nation and the support of government policy, the characteristics of the real estate industry as a pillar industry is becoming more and more obvious. Its internal operating mechanism and the relevant system is tending to be perfect. Besides its industry status is becoming more and more prominent. And it plays a very important role in the development of the correlation enterprises. With the improvement of China's capital market, relevant scholars are playing more attention to the related subjects about capital structure and company performance. Therefore, the research of this topic has played an important role in the development of China's real estate industry.

The real estate industries in China have been developing rapidly but still not mature enough. In view of its industry characteristics, the real estate industry has strong periodicity, large capital demand and vulnerable policy guidance. In addition, it also has the single financing channel, high asset-liability ratio, unstable performance etc.

In order to study the influence of capital structure on company performance in real estate enterprise, optimize the capital structure, improve the company performance, and provide beneficial basis for the long-term healthy development of real estate enterprises in our country. First this article reviews the domestic and foreign references, then studies the relevant theories of capital structure and company performance and takes the data in 2011-2015 annual report of 8 listed real estate companies as the research object to analyze the industry's capital structure and company performance, finally put forward relevant assumptions and establish the model. Based on this background, the 2011-2015 annual report data in WK Company is adopted to establish the model of regression analysis by spss17.0 software. At last, we draw a conclusion that it has positive correlation between asset-liability ratio and the operating performance, negative correlation between short-term debt ratio and the operating performance in WK Company. The relationship between long-term debt ratio and operating performance was not significant, the first big shareholder shareholding is inversely proportional to the operating performance, then find out the problems of WK Company and put forward some reasonable suggestions to improve it. Finally, based on the results of the full paper, summarizes the full paper and puts forward the research prospects.

Keywords:real estate enterprise;capital structure;company performance;regression analysis

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究的目的和意义 1

1.1.1 研究的目的 1

1.1.2 研究的意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状综述 2

1.2.1 国外研究现状综述 2

1.2.2 国内研究现状综述 2

1.3 研究内容和研究方法 4

1.3.1 研究内容 4

1.3.2 研究方法 4

第2章 房地产企业资本结构与经营绩效的相关理论 6

2.1 房地产企业的界定 6

2.1.1 房地产企业的定义 6

2.1.2 房地产企业的特征 6

2.1.3 房地产企业对国民经济的作用 7

2.2 房地产企业资本结构及其分析 7

2.2.1 资本结构的含义及其意义 7

2.2.2 房地产企业的债务结构分析 8

2.2.3 房地产企业的股权结构分析 9

2.3 房地产企业经营绩效及其分析 10

2.3.1 经营绩效的含义及其意义 10

2.3.2 房地产企业经营绩效分析 10

第3章 房地产企业资本结构与经营绩效评价模型构建 12

3.1 研究假设 12

3.1.1 债务结构与公司经营绩效 12

3.1.2 股权结构与公司经营绩效 12

3.2 变量选取 13

3.2.1 经营绩效变量 13

3.2.2 资本结构变量 13

3.2.3 控制变量 14

3.3 模型设计 14

第4 章 实证分析 15

4.1 WK公司简介 15

4.2 实证结果分析 15

4.3 WK公司存在的问题及解决的对策 17

4.3.1 WK公司存在的问题 17

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