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 2021-07-12 22:11:01  

摘 要







Since the 1950s, the problem about change point has been one of the hot topics in statistics, From the statistical point of view, the so-called change point refers to an unknown tine point at which one or some of the statistical properties change occurs in a process or sequence. The statistical inference of change point problem is based on the background of specific issues, making an estimate of the change point , and further making an statistical analysis of the properties of the estimators. The change point problem was earliest applied in the quality control of industrial production,. Now, it has a extremely widespread application in the field of economics, finance, biology, geography, medicine, epidemiology, physics, meteorology and literature, especially in the aspect of economics and finance. 

In this paper, we study the currently existing methods for change point detection in the linear regression model, including the likelihood method, SIC information criterion method and Bayesian method under the assumption of normal distribution. Then, we set up the unary linear regression model of urban residents’ income-consumption in our country, and use this model making change point analysis.

Combining with the Binary segmentation method and SIC information criterion method, we can confirm the number and position of the change points in the model. Then, we analyze the causes of the change points and their economic significance.

The results of the research show that since the reform and opening up, the urban residents’ income and consumption relations have changed with the reform of society and rapid development of economic in our country. In the 37 years from 1978 to 2014.we can find three change points using the Binary segmentation method and SIC information criterion method:1994,2001,2011.

Finally, in this paper , we give some personal views about the limitations of the existing methods of the current change point detection and some research trend of the development of the change point problem.

Key Words: Change point problem; Linear regression model; SIC information criterion method; likelihood method; Bayesian method

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1引言 1

1.2本文的研究背景及意义 1

1.3 变点问题的研究现状 2

1.3.1 变点问题的理论研究现状 2

1.3.2 变点问题的实际应用现状 3

1.4本文研究工作介绍 3

1.4.1本文研究思路 3

1.4.2章节安排 4

第2章 线性回归模型中的变点分析 5

2.1引言 5

2.2简单线性回归模型中的变点问题 5

2.3简单线性回归模型中变点分析的一般方法 6

2.3.1似然方法 6

2.3.2 信息准则法 7

2.3.3 贝叶斯方法 8

第3章 变点分析在我国城镇居民收入-消费模型中的应用 12

3.1引言 12

3.2模型的建立 12

3.3收入-消费模型中的变点分析 13

3.4实证分析 16

3.4.1线性回归模型的建立 16

3.4.2线性回归模型中的变点检测 17

3.4.3采用二分分段法进一步确定变点个数与位置 19

3.4.4变点产生的原因及其经济意义 20

第4章 总结和展望 21

4.1本文总结 21

4.2 变点问题的研究展望 21

4.2.1现有的变点分析方法的局限性 21

4.2.2变点问题研究的发展趋势 22

参考文献 23

致谢 24

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