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 2021-07-12 23:58:03  

摘 要








We live in an age that national quality improving continuously. Family for the next generation of education investment in household spending accounted for more and more. In view of the personalized demand of the parents, many schools, especially in private schools, give priority to with its unique concept of education rapid rise and integrate resources to form education group, at the same time, along with the continuous improvement of business education and policy restrictions, education competition pressure comes, has grown considerably in recent years, the education group has had to face the shortage of students, let alone students with excellent grades.

For education group, the biggest problem is that to put money into the improvement of the teachers and the hardware facilities is the top priority, it seems difficult to spend the lowest cost in a short period of time building public profile, drawing the public attention and searching for enough outstanding students at the same time.

WeChat rapid rise in recent years, with its large user base, the spread of the one-to-many, rapid target users, facilitate sharing rich media everything content, low cost, but also can enhance the user viscosity, lock users, enhance the user of the brand loyalty, and many other advantages to become the important position of many enterprises and industry propaganda,

And the author found that after the relevant works of literature at home and abroad, research WeChat platform construction of roughly divided into two categories: type based on the theory of communication and sociology research; Specific enterprises, individual as an example to analyze the concrete practice of the problem. But there are few about education group WeChat platform construction analysis, based on these problems, the author decided to Yichang Tianwen Education Group as an example, through literature review and questionnaire survey data for further analysis and research education group WeChat platform construction should be how to do it.

Finally it is concluded that education group WeChat platform construction of the four key factors: team construction, setting the content, interactive operation and using data from WeChat platform scientifically.

Key words: education group, WeChat platform construction

目 录

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.3 研究思路与基本框架 4

1.4 研究方法 5

第二章 相关概念简述 5

2.1. 微信平台建设 5

2.1.1 微信的概念 5

2.1.2 微信平台建设的方法 6

2.1.3 微信平台建设的特点 8

2.2 教育集团微信平台建设 9

2.2.1教育集团的概念及分类 9

2.2.2教育集团微信平台建设的现状 10

  1. 目标微信群体对于教育集团微信平台建设认可度调查分析

——以宜昌天问教育集团为例 11

3.1. 宜昌天问教育集团目标群体分析 11

3.2. 问卷调查数据分析 12

3.2.1 得出结论 17

第四章 教育集团微信平台建设中的问题分析 18

4.1 教育集团微信平台建设存在的问题 18

4.2 教育集团微信平台建设的影响因素 18

第五章 教育集团微信平台建设建议 20

5.1 团队建设 20

5.2 内容设置 20

5.3 互动运营 21

5.4 科学运用微信后台数据分析 21

第六章 结语 23

参考文献 24

致谢 26

附录A 27

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景及意义



1.2 国内外研究现状



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