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 2021-07-13 00:59:40  

摘 要




The title of graduation design is the design of Sino-Nepalese Highway’s A part, and the highway grade is a Secondary road. The speed of highway is 60km/h. The design is in accordance with national norms ,with the principle of "safety, comfort, economy". The main design content include road line project selection, graphic design, the design of the vertical section , cross-sectional design, embankment slope protection, structural design of the road, embankment and drainage design. The length of the route is about 8.5 km. The alignment of highway is designed by using the three-dimensional CAD software, and there are 13 intersection points in the routes. Part of roadbed requires retaining protection and the retaining wall is checked by using Lizheng Engineering Calculation software. This section is designed with asphalt concrete pavement. Pavement thickness design is completed by means of pavement design software HPDS2011. Results of the design include maps of road line project selection, graphic design, the design of the vertical section, cross-sectional design, pavement structure figure, circular pipe culvert design ,straight lines and curves corner table, coordinates of stakes on table , roadbed design table,the number of embankment of earth and stone table and so on.

Key words: second-class roads; alignment design; subgrade design; pavement design

目 录

绪论 1

第1章 工程概况 2

1.1设计所需的基础资料 2

1.2公路等级和技术标准论证 3

1.2.1公路等级论证 3

1.2.2技术标准论证 5

第2章 路线平面设计 7

2.1道路选线定线 7

2.1.1选线的原则 7

2.1.2选线的步骤 7

2.2平面设计 8

2.2.1直线 8

2.2.2圆曲线 8

2.2.3缓和曲线 8

2.2.4平面组合线型 9

2.2.5平曲线要素的计算 10

第3章 路线纵断面设计 12

3.1纵断面设计步骤 12

3.2纵坡设计 13

3.2.1设计的基本原则 13

3.2.2拉坡 13

3.3竖曲线设计 13

3.3.1半径的选择 14

3.3.2竖曲线要素的计算 15

第4章 路基横断面设计 17

4.1横断面设计基本要求 17

4.1.1平曲线加宽 17

4.1.2超高 18

4.2横断面设计 18

4.3路基边坡防护 18

4.4挡土墙设计 19

4.4.1仰斜式路堤墙的设计验算 19

4.4.2 仰斜式路肩墙的设计验算 20

5.1路面结构组成 22

5.1.1面层 22

5.1.2基层 22

5.1.3垫层 22

5.2路面设计步骤 22

5.3路面结构设计 23

5.3.1轴载分析计算 23

5.3.2方案一的结构层厚度计算 24

5.3.3方案二的结构层厚度计算 25

5.3.4两种路面结构方案的比选 26

第6章 排水设计 28

6.1公路排水设计的内容 28

6.2路基排水设计 28

6.2.1地表排水设备 28

6.2.2边沟设计 28

6.2.3排水沟设计 29

6.3路面排水设计 29

6.4涵洞设计 29

6.4.1基本要求 29

6.4.2圆管涵设计 30

结论 31

参考文献 32

附录 33

致谢 34





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