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 2021-08-15 09:29:38  

摘 要





As a financial services to meet the consumer,the role of consumer finance in the expansion of consumption has been confirmed and the importance of the financial services system has been recognized.China is in a critical period of economic transformation and upgrading, consumer finance plays an important role in expanding domestic demand and promoting economic structural adjustment, which is of great significance to accelerate the transformation of commercial banks.However, consumer finance in China is still in the initial stage of development, there are still many problems to be solved,and do deep study on it will achieve the rapid and healthy development of China's consumer finance and promote national economic structure transformation and upgrading.

First of all, this paper describes purposes and significance on the choice of the development of China's consumer finance as the research object,domestic and foreign research status of the topic and research contents and research methods.Then this paper puts forward the concept of consumer finance and expands the theory of consumption economics.Next,combined with the current situation of the development of China's consumer finance,this paper analyzes the problems existing in the development of consumer finance in our country, such as single business entities, the homogeneity of the products and poor quality of service, and imperfect individual credit system, imperfect legislation system.After that,according to above problems, this paper suggests: through improving the legislation system and personal credit system, strengthen risk control mechanisms and setting up the pluralistic service system to the above problems.Finally this paper summarizes the views on how to develop consumer finance,and prospects for future research.

Key words:Consumer Finance;Consumer Credit;Development Strategy

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 选题的目的和意义 1

1.2 国内外的研究现状分析 2

1.2.1 国外研究现状 2

1.2.2 国内研究现状 2

1.3 研究内容和研究方法 2

1.3.1 研究内容 2

1.3.2 研究方法 3

第2章 消费金融理论 4

2.1 消费金融概述 4

2.2 消费金融的相关理论 4

2.2.1消费拉动经济增长 4

2.2.2经济增长促进消费金融的发展 4

第3章 我国消费金融发展的现状与问题 6

3.1我国消费金融的发展现状 6

3.1.1 消费金融体系逐渐完善 6

3.1.2 个人住房贷款业务占主导 6

3.1.3 消费贷款规模快速增长 7

3.1.4 支付体系迅速成长 8

3.2 我国消费金融发展中存在的问题 9

3.2.1 经营主体单一 9

3.2.2 产品同质化及服务质量较差 9

3.2.3 个人信用体系不完善 11

3.2.4 立法不健全 11

3.3 我国消费金融发展中存在问题的原因 11

3.3.1 经营主体单一 11

3.3.2 产品同质化及服务质量较差 12

3.3.3 个人信用体系不完善 12

3.3.4 立法不健全 12

第4章 我国消费金融发展的建议与措施 14

4.1 健全立法体系 14

4.2 完善个人信用体系 14

4.3 强化风险控制机制 15

4.4 建立多元化服务体系 16

4.4.1 丰富经营主体形式 16

4.4.2 不断创新产品和服务 16

4.4.3 借助互联网之力 17

第5章 研究结论与展望 18

5.1 研究结论 18

5.2 研究展望 18

参考文献 19

致谢 20

  1. 绪论

1.1 选题的目的和意义


作为全球经济和消费金融市场领军者的美国,其民众的的一切消费,从住房到代步工具、从子女教育到全球旅行,一切耐用消费品都和消费金融产生了相当紧密的联系。在我国,随着改革开放的逐步深入,消费金融的发展可谓是水到渠成。中国人民银行的统计数据显示,2014年我国消费贷款余额增长至15.366万亿元,占国内各项贷款余额总额的 17.67%,其中,2011-2014年消费贷款余额年均复合增长率为20.09%,而到了2015年,我国消费贷款余额高达19万亿,消费发展势头引人注目。2015年11月,第111次国务院常务会议确定,对于财税和金融要积极引导,大力支持消费信贷,实现消费金融公司全面试点,并提出《关于加强金融消费者权益保护工作的指导意见》。这些数据或是政策向我们表明, 消费金融在国际上或是国内都是与国家经济发展和每一个国民确切相关的主要金融业务。消费金融不仅仅应该得到政府和行业的鼓励支持, 也应该被经济学界、金融学界所重视,对其进行认真研究和探索。


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