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 2021-09-27 20:27:05  

摘 要




针对某钢梁—混凝土组合楼板分别采用简化计算法和时程分析法进行人行激励下的振动响应分析。首先,参考AISC规范推荐的简化计算法对楼板结构的动力特性和响应进行计算,并将结果与数值模拟结果对比,发现其准确性较好,在其远小于舒适度控制值时,可采用简化计算法得到的结果进行舒适度设计。其次,利用有限元软件ANSYS建立楼板结构模型,模拟人的正常行走过程,分别选取不同步频进行人致作用振动分析,发现步频对楼板振动响应影响很大。当楼板基频恰好等于步行频率的整数倍时,将有共振现象发生,此时响应结果达到峰值。参考Živanović S的研究结果,选取1.87的步行频率进行时程分析,得到人行激励下的楼板振动响应结果,与实测数据对比,发现二者匹配度较高,数值模拟方法的有效性得到证明。从舒适度评价的角度,发现两种方法得到的加速度响应都远小于设计标准给出的控制值,满足舒适度设计要求。




Different types of building structures are slowly emerging with rapid development of economy. And slab span has also been greatly increased than before. With the application of high-strength and light-weight materials, it makes the building structure lighter and more flexible. And the result of reduction of stiffness is the similarity of natural frequency of structure and frequency of human activity. There are more and more obvious vibrations under pedestrian forces on these structures and then affect peoples' comfort feeling.

This paper takes a long-span slab of a shopping center for instance, and takes two different methods which are the simplified calculation method and time history analysis method to analyze and evaluate the dynamic response and comfort. The factors affecting vibration comfort are also studied in this paper.

After a review of lots of domestic and foreign literatures and specifications, several different evaluation criteria of vibration comfort are introduced. Compared with these standards, an advisable evaluation criterion is chosen for this article.

Firstly, the simplified calculation method and time history analysis method are adopted to analyze the dynamic response of a large span floor slab. The simplified calculation method referred to AISC standard is taken to evaluate the vibration characteristics and response of the structure, and the results are compared with the numerical simulation results. When it is far less than the controlling value, this simplified calculation method can be used to improve efficiency. Then, using finite element software ANSYS to set up floor structure model and simulate pedestrian loading process. Different walking frequencies are induced and found that stride frequency has great effect on floor vibration response. When the frequency of floor is exactly equal to several times than the frequency of walking, a resonance phenomenon is appeared. At this time, the response is the maximum. Referred to the results of Živanović S, selecting the frequency 1.87 to give the pedestrian excitation to the floor and get the vibration response results. And compared with the measured data, there is a good agreement between the two methods and the method of numerical simulation is correct.

At last, the factors affecting vibration comfort are studied. The structural stiffness, mass, damping, the border of the structure and effective live loading are decisive factor and they play different roles for the response of floor. The aim of this work is to give reference to design of the floor comfort.

Keywords: long-span floor, pedestrian-induced vibration, dynamic response analysis, the comfort evaluation, parameter analysis

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景和意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1步行力模型 2

1.2.2楼板振动响应计算方法 3

1.2.3舒适度评价 4

1.3本文主要工作 4

第2章 人行荷载和舒适度评价标准 5

2.1人行激励荷载模型 5

2.1.1人行走的荷载模型 5

2.1.2规范采用的荷载模型 8

2.2舒适度评价标准 9

2.2.1楼板挠度控制 9

2.2.2楼板自振频率控制 9

2.2.3楼板加速度控制 9

2.3本章小结 11

第3章 大跨度楼板结构动力响应分析 12

3.1简化计算法 12

3.1.1楼板自振频率计算 12

3.1.2楼板振动加速度计算 13

3.2时程分析法 16

3.2.1人行荷载数值模拟 16

3.2.2人行荷载加载的编程实现 18

3.3算例 18

3.3.1简化计算结果 19

3.3.2时程分析结果 22

3.4本章小结 30

第4章 大跨度楼板振动响应的参数分析 31

4.1阻尼比 31

4.2边界条件 33

4.3刚度 35

4.3.1板厚 35

4.3.2梁高 37

4.4有效活荷载 39

4.5本章小结 40

第5章 结论与展望 41

5.1结论 41

5.2展望 41

参考文献 43

致 谢 45

第1章 绪论





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