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 2021-10-12 22:16:14  

摘 要




Since the implementation of the family planning policy has made great achievements, but with lower birth rates, highlighting the large population problem. The implementation of a comprehensive two child policy is the new practice of balanced development of population in our country. Based on the theory of cost utility, this paper mainly adopts the method of qualitative research, two factors of child birth willingness and effect through the case interview delve into the perfect for women of childbearing age. China's family planning policy and related services to provide reference, is of great practical significance. This paper mainly discusses the economic factors, work stressors, stress factors and the influence of fine time effect factors on two child wishes. The results show that women of childbearing age more considering the cost factors instead of utility factors; economic factors, factors of working pressure, pressure time and energy factors have significant influence on two child factors in preserving intention; utility Risk utility and hedonic utility has a significant influence on the second child will. The at the end of the paper: strengthen economic development, improve the social security system; to guarantee women equal employment, prevent discrimination; comprehensive two child policy supporting services such as advice.

Key words:two-child; fertility desire; influencing factors

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 问题缘起 1

1.2 研究目的与意义 2

1.2.1 研究目的 2

1.2.2 研究意义 2

1.3 研究方法 3

1.4 文献综述 3

1.4.1不同群体的生育意愿差异 3

1.4.2生育意愿的影响因素 4

第2章 研究设计 6

2.1 概念定义 6

2.2 理论依据 6

2.3 被访个案的基本特征 7

第3章 二孩生育意愿现状 9

3.1 被访者二孩生育意愿现状 9

3.2 二孩生育意愿现状分析 9

第4章 二孩生育意愿影响因素 10

4.1 经济因素 10

4.2 工作压力因素 10

4.3 时间精力压力因素 11

4.4 效用因素 12

第5章 结论 14

5.1 结论与建议 14

5.2 研究的局限与展望 15

参考文献 16

致 谢 18

附 录 19

第1章 绪论

1.1 问题缘起






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