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 2021-10-13 19:54:39  

摘 要





As the Hang shi Newport was put into operation and with the increase of Hang shi Newport port throughput, the role of port transportation become more and more important. In order to better play to the advantages of railway-river combined transportation,such as: safety, high efficiency, low cost, large capacity, low carbon environmental protection, Hang shi Newport in railway-river combined transportation has the necessity and urgency. Therefore researching on Hang shi Newport railway-river combined transportation scheme has important practical significance.
First of all, the thesis analyzes the railway-river combined transportation development status at home and abroad, studies the economic and social development of the Hang shi Newport economic hinterland and industrial structure , its change tendency; Second, by using the exponential smoothing model, Trend extrapolation model ,grey prediction model and combined forecasting model integrated the thesis forecasts the container throughput of Hang shi Newport and the railway-river combined transportation demonstration line datas; Third, for Hang shi port container import and export freight business process and the main problems existing in the circulation process documents, the thesis designs the Hang shi Newport hot metal container multimodal transport organization plan, put forward the Hang shi Newport process of hot metal container intermodal transportation operation organization mode, and foreign window, "unified" in port operations management mode by combining with the ESIA process optimization method and business process reengineering theory; Fourth, the thesis designs Hang shi Newport railway-river combined transportation organization scheme, including trains configuration, operation scheduling optimization analysis, etc. Finally, from two aspects of economic and social the paper compares the railway-river combined transportation with the traditional transportation and sums up the advantages of the railway-river combined transportation. Then the paper further emphasizes the important position of the railway-river combined transportation in Hang shi Newport construction.

Keywords: Hang shi Newport,container transport,railway-river combined transportation,transportation organization mode

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1目的意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 1

1.2.1国内关于集装箱铁水联运的研究 1

1.2.2国外关于集装箱铁水联运的研究 2

1.3论文的主要内容和研究思路 3

第2章 黄石新港集装箱铁水联运需求分析与预测 5

2.1黄石新港的经济腹地 5

2.1.1黄石新港经济腹地经济发展分析 5

2.1.2黄石新港经济腹地产业结构分析 8

2.2黄石港吞吐量分析与预测 9

2.2.1 预测模型的建立 9

2.2.2黄石港吞吐量预测 12

2.3示范线路铁水联运货运量预测 17

第3章 黄石新港集装箱铁水联运组织方案设计 18

3.1铁水联运作业组织流程设计 18

3.1.1 现有的作业组织流程 18

3.1.2 对现有的作业组织流程进行优化 19

3.2铁水联运班列运营设计 25

3.3铁水联运运输流程设计 27

3.3.1传统的集装箱运输流程 27

3.3.2 传统的集装箱运输流程分析 28

3.3.3优化结果 29

第4章 方案经济和社会效益评价 32

4.1经济效益评价 32

4.1.1多式联运模式比传统模式更加节省时间,效率更高 32

4.1.2多式联运平均运输成本低 32

4.2社会效益评价 35

第5章 研究结论与展望 36

5.1研究结论 36

5.2研究展望 36

参考文献 38

致 谢 39

第1章 绪论






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