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 2021-10-13 20:15:49  

摘 要







Based on the small business accounting standards promulgation and implementation of the realistic background, analyzed the particularity of small businesses and the present situation of the small business accounting in our country, the problems existing in the small business accounting of our country and reasons, and put forward the corresponding Suggestions and countermeasures, has a practical significance for the development of guidance for a small business.

Thesis mainly studies the problem of small business accounting in our country, such as: accounting standards to choose chaos, backward level of accounting practice, accounting information distortion is serious, such as the tax illegal ACTS. And in-depth discussion, the main is the root of these problems are chaos, small business management mechanism is not sound, accounting personnel quality is low, the accounting practice level and backward management concept.

The results show that only coordinate small business accounting standards and tax laws, the relationship between enterprise standards, change enterprise management concept, perfect the internal accounting control, strengthen accounting personnel training, improve the environment for accounting practice, strengthen the social supervision, from internal and external work together, to effectively solve the problem of small business accounting in our country, helping small businesses \"to the next level.

Features of this article: the international perspective, the integrated use of normative research, from the methods such as literature analysis, contrast and dig deeper into the problems existing in the small business accounting in our country, and to explore the profound reasons behind the problems from multiple perspectives.

Key words: small business accounting, current situation analysis, countermeasur

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究的目的与意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.3 研究内容及方法 3

第2章 小企业会计准则的相关理论问题 5

2.1 小企业的界定标准 5

2.2 小企业会计的特点 8

2.3 小企业会计的目标 9

第3章 我国小企业会计存在的问题及原因分析 11

3.1 我国小企业会计工作现状 11

3.2 我国小企业会计存在的问题 11

3.3 我国小企业会计存在问题的原因分析 12

第4章 完善我国小企业会计的对策 16

4.1 转变企业管理理念 16

4.2 完善会计内部控制 16

4.3 加强会计人员培养 16

4.4 改善会计执业环境 17

结束语 18

参考文献 19

致 谢 20

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究的目的与意义

1.1.1 研究目的

众所周知,企业作为参与市场经济的基本单位,是最为重要的市场主体。而中小企业、小微企业更是市场中最具创新力、最具活力的经济细胞。全国政协十二届三次会议新闻发布会周一举行,大会新闻发言人吕新华在会上引用数据称:中小微企业对GDP的贡献超过了65%,税收贡献占到了50%以上,出口超过了68%,吸收了75%以上的就业。中小微企业是我国经济增长的重要的推动力量。 李克强在国家工商行政管理总局考察并主持召开座谈会上说:“我们简化审批、放宽准入,催生小企业‘铺天盖地’涌现,不仅可以更好激发群众创造力、带动就业,而且有利于提高社会化协作配套水平,促进大企业‘顶天立地’。要切实落实好财税、金融等扶持政策,对准初创小微企业经营中的难点、‘痛点’加力出招,让千百万新企业健康成长,在市场中更加活跃。实现中国经济保持中高速增长、向中高端水平迈进,必须推动大众创业、万众创新,打造发展新引擎。这是一项重大改革,也是结构性改革。”当前,党中央国务院重点关注企业发展重点难点问题,定向施策,帮助中小企业创新发展,连续出台了一系列推动政策。这正是中小企业发展转型的重要契机。但是,中小企业也有着不可忽视的自身局限性,制约其成长。在此情况下,面对小企业成长存在的问题,必须要求政府政策支持、自身变革改进,才能从根本上解决问题,进而实现促进中小企业可持续发展的愿望。


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