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 2021-10-15 21:04:25  

摘 要




Galantamine is widely used in the clinical treatment of Alzheimer disease[1]. At present,sold on the market of Galantamine mainly extracted from wild resource, Lycoris radiata and Lotus flowers are the main source of galantamine raw medicine. Due to limited resources, complex extraction process and low yield, market demand is much higher than the industry capacity, casusing the Galantamine in short supply ,therefore galanthamine prices have been high. Therefore, many researchers have been devoted to working in semi synthetic research of galanthamine[2]. But the synthesis procedure is tedious and the cost is high, so it is difficult to realize the industrial production. A reasonable galanthamine semi synthetic process has been designed in the project. The process has advantages of mild reaction conditions, short synthetic route and higher total yield. The total yield of the three-step synthesis was attained 31% which is higher than the reported yield of 10%[3]. The process has good prospects of development and the feasibility of industrial production.In this design, completed the design and calculation of the process flow and the simple economic estimation is carried out ,which shows that the the design has good economic benefits and can be considered for industrial production .

Key Words:Galantamine; semi synthesis; design

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 总论 1

1.1 生产规模及生产任务 1

1.2 项目概况 1

1.3 设计依据 1

1.4 设计原则 1

1.5 工艺路线选择 2

1.6 主要物料规格 2

1.7 厂址选择及概况 3

1.8 工厂组成及劳动定员 3

1.8.1 部门职能概述 3

1.8.2 公司定员 4

1.8.3 生产班制 5

第2章 生产工艺及流程 7

2.1 化学反应式 7

2.2 生产工艺简述 7

第3章 全流程物料衡算 9

3.1 工作任务 9

3.2 物料衡算 9

3.3 生产周期 10

第4章 反应釜的设计 11

4.1 釜体的选材与设计 11

4.2 确定筒体的型式 11

4.3 确定筒体、封头和夹套的直径与高度 11

4.4 确定夹套的直径 12

4.5 内筒及夹套的受力分析 14

4.6 计算夹套筒体的厚度 14

4.7 计算筒体的厚度 15

4.8 封头的选择 16

4.9 水压试验及强度校核 16

4.10 搅拌器的设计 17

4.11 传动装置的选择 18

4.12 电动机的选择 18

4.13 减速器的选择 19

4.14 联轴器的选择 19

4.15 凸缘法兰与安装底盖的选用 19

4.15.1 凸缘法兰 20

4.15.2 安装底盖 20

4.15.3 密封垫片和紧固件 20

4.16 机架的选用 20

4.17 选择釜体法兰 21

4.18 容器支座的选择 21

4.19 选择人孔、视镜和工艺接管 22

5.1 反应釜、蒸馏釜的选型 24

5.1.1 第一步合成反应釜的选型 24

5.1.2 第二步合成反应釜的选型 24

5.1.3 蒸馏釜的选型 24

5.2 换热器的选型 25

5.2.1 热器的选型原则 25

5.2.2 管式换热器的分类 25

5.2.3 常用换热器的特点 26

5.2.4 选型结果 26

5.3 泵的选型 27

5.3.1 泵的分类 27

5.3.2 泵的选择原则 27

5.3.3 泵的选型结果 28

5.4 储罐的选型 29

5.4.1 储罐的选型结果 29

5.5 离心机的选型 30

5.5.1 离心机的分类 30

5.5.2 各种过滤式离心机的特点及应用 30

5.5.3 离心机的选型依据 30

5.5.4 选型结果 30

6.1 生产成本 31

6.2 直接材料费及燃料动力费 31

6.3 直接工资 32

第7章 结论 34

参考文献 35

致 谢 36

第1章 总论

1.1 生产规模及生产任务


1.2 项目概况


1.3 设计依据





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