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 2021-10-15 21:05:35  

摘 要






In the context of economic globalization and rapid advancement of IT and other high-tech development, the emerging financial service outsourcing industry can achieve the effect of specialization and economies of scale. Wuhan need to upgrade its financial and economic strength through the development of financial service outsourcing industry in order to consolidate and improve its position in the regional financial center.

This paper studies the competitiveness of the financial service outsourcing industry in Wuhan and make policy recommendations for its development. First, sort and analyse research status at home and abroad on the financial service outsourcing. Then the related theory, in depth analyse the factors affecting financial service outsourcing industry. Finally, combine the present situation of financial service outsourcing industry in Wuhan, with SPSS21 software, using factor analysis method to do the empirical analysis of the competitiveness of Wuhan financial service outsourcing industry, whose results have an important guiding significance to enhance the competitiveness of financial service outsourcing industry in Wuhan.

The results show that: Wuhan financial service outsourcing industry has a comparative advantage in development potential and the labor cost; but also has a relative disadvantage in industrial development, industrial base and facility environment; face the opportunity of demand formating from industrial agglomeration, but also face the challenge of shortage of high-end innovative talent supply. Its overall needs to be strengthened. Based on the results, in order to enhance the competitiveness of financial service outsourcing industry in Wuhan, this paper proposes the following macroeconomic policy recommendations: 1, construct the financial service outsourcing support platform; 2, strenthen the intensity of training and the introduction of professionals; 3, improve the investment and financing system in industry. Microeconomic policy recommendations: 1, improve the capability of independent innovation; 2, optimize personnel quality and structure; 3, improve the linkage development to achieve industrial agglomeration.

Key Words:financial service outsourcing;competitiveness;factor analysis


第 1 章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.2.1 对金融服务外包理论基础的研究 1

1.2.2 对金融服务外包竞争力影响因素的研究 2

1.2.3 对金融服务外包竞争力分析方法的研究 2

1.3 研究内容及方法 3

1.3.1 研究内容 3

1.3.2 研究方法 3

第 2 章 金融服务外包相关理论分析 4

2.1 比较优势理论 4

2.2 交易成本理论 4

2.3 委托—代理理论 4

2.4 价值链理论 5

第 3 章 金融服务外包产业竞争力的影响因素 6

3.1 经济基础 7

3.2 集聚程度 8

3.3 市政环境 8

3.4 人力资源 9

3.5 运营成本 9

第 4 章 武汉金融服务外包产业发展现状 11

4.1 武汉金融服务外包产业发展的区位环境 11

4.2 武汉金融服务外包产业发展的现有成果 11

4.3 武汉金融服务外包产业发展存在的问题 12

第 5 章 武汉金融服务外包产业竞争力实证分析 13

5.1 指标体系构建 13

5.2 运用因子分析法进行实证分析 15

5.2.1 数据来源及处理 15

5.2.2 适用性检验 19

5.2.3 提取公因子 19

5.2.4 写出因子得分函数 25

5.2.5 计算各城市得分 26

5.3 实证结论 29

5.3.1 优势分析 29

5.3.2 劣势分析 30

5.3.3 机会分析 31

5.3.4 威胁分析 31

第 6 章 提升武汉金融服务外包产业竞争力的政策建议 33

6.1 宏观政策建议 33

6.1.1 建设金融服务外包支撑平台 33

6.1.2 加大力度培养和引进专业人才 34

6.1.3 完善金融服务外包行业投融资体系 35

6.2 微观政策建议 35

6.2.1 提高自主创新能力 35

6.2.2 优化人才素质和结构 36

6.2.3 联动发展实现产业集聚 36

第 7 章 结论 37

参考文献 38

附录 39

致谢 41








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