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 2021-10-18 22:16:25  

摘 要



  1. 石灰对膨胀土的改良效果显著,石灰掺量增加,改良土的自由膨胀率减小,当石灰掺量为4~7%时,自由膨胀率变化不大,而后随掺量增加呈先增加后减小的趋势,且掺量约为5%时效果最佳。
  2. 膨胀土的微结构显示扰动的层流结构、紊流结构、胶粘式结构、粒状堆积结构等多样性特征,石灰改性膨胀土主要呈现粒状堆积结构。膨胀土经石灰处理后,增加膨胀土颗粒胶结物中的Ca2 离子含量,从而降低其胀缩性。
  3. 水玻璃对膨胀土的改良具有一定的效果,但较为有限,随着水玻璃掺量的增加,改良土的自由膨胀率快速降低,但当掺量超过2.5%时,改良效果几乎达到极限,其最佳掺量约为2.5%。
  4. 石灰掺量超过2%后,改良土的自由膨胀率便降至40%以下;水玻璃掺量超过2.5%后,改良土的自由膨胀率便降至50%左右;石灰对膨胀土的改良效果比水玻璃的更好。



Expansive soil is mainly composed of hydrophilic minerals, with a large specific surface area, it is very sensitive to the change of water content, and it has obvious swelling and shrinking properties. It is a typical disaster soil. Lime can essentially improve the engineering characteristics of expansive soil and has the advantages of economy and convenient construction. It has been widely used in the treatment of expansive soil foundation; the silicate in water glass can coexist in water with true solution and colloidal solution. The system exists, which has the characteristics of strong adhesion and good cementation performance. It must also have certain chemical or physicochemical interactions with clay minerals. There are few studies in this area, and it is necessary to discuss.

In this paper, based on the characteristics of expansive soil in Shayang County, Jingmen City, Hubei Province, laboratory tests, theoretical analysis and other methods were adopted to perform liquid-plastic limit test and free expansion rate test on expansive soil, and different amounts of lime and water glass were selected respectively. The expansive soil was improved, the free expansion rate test was carried out, the microstructure and morphology of the expansive soil were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and the cemented components of the expansive soil and lime-modified expansive soil were analyzed based on energy dissipate X-ray (EDX) technique and the following results were obtained :

(1) The improvement effect of lime on expansive soil is significant, the amount of lime increases, and the free expansion rate of improved soil decreases. When the amount of lime is 4 to 7%, the free expansion rate does not change much, and then increases with the increase of the amount The trend of increasing first and then decreasing, and the effect is best when the dosage is about 5%.

(2) The microstructure of the expansive soil shows diverse characteristics such as disturbed laminar structure, turbulent structure, adhesive structure, and granular accumulation structure. The lime-modified expansive soil mainly exhibits granular accumulation structure. After the expansive soil is treated with lime, it increases the Ca2 content in the expansive soil particle cement, thereby reducing its swelling and shrinking properties.

(3) Water glass has a certain effect on the improvement of expansive soil, but it is relatively limited. With the increase of the content of water glass, the free expansion rate of the improved soil decreases rapidly, but when the content exceeds 2.5%, the improvement effect is almost achieved In the limit, the optimal dosage is about 2.5%.

(4) After the lime content exceeds 2%, the free expansion rate of the improved soil drops below 40%; after the water glass content exceeds 2.5%, the free expansion rate of the improved soil decreases to about 50%. The improvement effect of soil is better than that of water glass.

Keywords: expansive soil, chemical improvement, lime, water glass, free expansion rate


摘要 1

Abstract 2

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 概述 1

1.2 膨胀土判别 1

1.3 膨胀土的基本工程性质 2

1.4 国内外研究现状 2

1.5 研究目的和意义 5

1.6 研究内容和技术路线 5

1.6.1 研究内容 5

1.6.2 技术路线 5

第二章 材料与方法 7

2.1 试验材料 7

2.1.1 试验用土 7

2.1.2 改性材料 7

2.2 试验方法 8

2.2.1 试样制备 8

2.2.2 试验仪器 8

2.2.3 试验指标的选取 9

2.2.4 试验方案 10

第三章 结果及分析 12

3.1 膨胀土的界限含水量 12

3.2 石灰改性膨胀土 13

3.2.1 自由膨胀率 13

3.2.2 改性机理 13

3.2.3 微观结构特征 15

3.2.4 EDX分析 16

3.3 水玻璃改良膨胀土 17

3.3.1 自由膨胀率 17

3.3.2 改良机理 17

3.4 石灰、水玻璃改良膨胀土的对比 18

第四章 结论与展望 19

4.1 结论 19

4.2 展望 19

致谢 20

参考文献 21

第一章 绪 论

1.1 概述




1.2 膨胀土判别

《公路路基设计规范》(JTG D30-2004) 以自由膨胀率为标准初步对膨胀土进行判定,对膨胀土的进一步判定则以标准吸湿含水率为标准。膨胀潜势分级方面,一般应参考《公路工程地质勘察规范》(JTG C20-2011),分级标准如表1.1所示。

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