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 2021-10-19 22:39:27  

摘 要

2020年是脱贫攻坚最后一年,也是“两个百年”的交替一年,中国乡村发展将由单纯的扶贫转向更加全面的发展道路,即实施乡村振兴战略。因此,在精准扶贫政策和乡村振兴战略的交替之际,要求两者的衔接通畅,以促进乡村振兴战略的实施,解决农村发展不充分的问题。在此背景下,本文目标即为精准扶贫政策下的乡村振兴提供路径选择,为此,本文通过分析现今中国农村的发展状况和问题 ,结合精准扶贫政策的内涵和困境,以乡村振兴的战略目标和实施关键为出发点,提出精准扶贫政策下乡村振兴战略的实施的三条可行路径:以精准扶贫带动乡村产业、以精准扶贫培养乡村人才和以精准扶贫升级乡村组织,并分别论述了它们的合理性以及实施关键,并在最后进行了案例分析,为精准扶贫政策和乡村振兴战略的统筹推进提供了有效建议。






2020 is the last year of poverty alleviation and the alternate year of "Two hundred years". China's rural development will change from simple poverty alleviation to a more comprehensive development path, that is, to implement the Rural Revitalization Strategy. Therefore, at the time of the alternation of the Targeted poverty alleviation policy and the Rural Revitalization Strategy, the smooth connection between the two is required to promote the implementation of the Rural Revitalization Strategy and solve the problem of insufficient rural development. In this context, the goal of this paper is to provide a path choice for Rural Revitalization under the Targeted poverty alleviation policy. Therefore, this paper analyzes the current situation and problems of rural development in China ,combined with the connotation and difficulties of the Targeted poverty alleviation policy, and based on the strategic objectives and implementation keys of the rural revitalization, this paper puts forward three feasible paths for the implementation of the Rural Revitalization Strategy under the Targeted poverty alleviation policy: driving the rural industry with the Targeted poverty alleviation policy, training the rural talents with the Targeted poverty alleviation policy and upgrading the rural organizations with the Targeted poverty alleviation policy, and discusses their rationality and implementation keys respectively ,providing effective suggestions for the overall promotion of Targeted poverty Alleviation Policies and Rural Revitalization strategies.

Key Words:Targeted poverty alleviation;Rural Revitalization strategies;

Industrialization;Rural talents; Rural organization

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1. 1研究背景和意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1国内研究现状 2

1.2.2国外研究现状 2

第2章 农村发展现状和问题 4

2.1农村发展现状 4

2.1.1多重主体共同带动 4

2.1.2多层次的道路选择 4

2.1.3内外生并存的发展动力 4

2.2农村发展问题 5

2.2.1区域发展均衡性不足 5

2.2.2产业现代化不足 5

2.2.3人力资源缺乏 5

2.2.4基础设施不完善 5

第3章 精准扶贫的内涵与问题 7

3.1精准扶贫的基本概念 7

3.1.1精准扶贫的含义 7

3.1.2精准扶贫的政策概述 7

3.2扶贫工作的成果和问题 8

3.2.1精准扶贫的政策效果 8

第4章 乡村振兴战略的内涵 11

4.1乡村振兴战略概述 11

4.1.1乡村振兴战略的提出 11

4.1.2乡村振兴战略的主要内容 11

4.2乡村振兴战略重难点 12

4.2.1明确战略目标是成功实施乡村振兴战略的基础 12

4.2.2产业化发展是乡村振兴的必由之路 12

4.2.3建立多重主体联动机制是乡村振兴的关键 13

第5章 乡村振兴的路径分析 15

5.1以精准扶贫带动乡村产业 15

5.1.1合理性论述 15

5.1.2实施关键 15

5.2以精准扶贫培养乡村人才 16

5.2.1合理性论述 16

5.2.2实施关键 17

5.3以精准扶贫升级乡村组织 17

5.3.1合理性论述 17

5.3.2实施关键 18

第6章 袁家村案例分析 19

6.1袁家村发展概述 19

6.1.1袁家村简介 19

6.1.2袁家村发展历程 19

6.2袁家村成功原因分析 20

6.2.1创新的产业化道路 20

6.2.2升级组织共同致富 20

6.2.3不断提升乡民素质 21

第7章 结束语  22

参考文献 23

致谢 25

第1章 绪论




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