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 2021-10-23 20:17:03  

摘 要






The 13th five-year plan(2006-2020) calls for enriching cultural products and services and speeding up the development of modern cultural industries. The 2010 creative economy report released by UN shows, Chinese cultural products accounted for 21% in 2008, China became the largest exporter in the world. Japan and Korea are China’s important partners. After the proposal of CJKFTA in 2002, there is the possibility of further expansion of cultural product trade with China.

The paper introduces the process of building of CJKFTA and defines cultural products. The writer analyze the trade data of Chinese cultural products in the world from 2006 to 2015, and then compare the data between China, Japan and Korea. I find that China has big advantage in designing and new media product, while Japan has slight advantage in audiovisual and publishing product, and Korea has big advantage in new media product. The trade of cultural products between China, Japan and Korea increased significantly after the proposal of CJKFTA being put forward. However, the trade reach a peak and then decline due to the diaoyu island incident. The negotiation process of the CJKFTA ran into the ground, and the development of cultural products trade between China and Korea also tended to moderate. When it comes to the impact that the CJKFTA bring to the development of China’s cultural products, the writer use SWOT analysis and puts forward opinions and suggestions to the country, government and enterprises.

The results show that the trade of cultural products between China, Japan and Korea are indeed influenced by the CJKFTA, but it was more influenced by political relationships. After analyzing the influence of CJKFTA bringing to Chinese cultural products, the paper give opinions to nation, government and enterprise such as improve infrastructure construction, optimize the mix of import and export cultural products, improve the quality of export cultural products, hoping related department get some inspirations to promote the development of China’s trade on cultural products.

Key Words:CFA;cultural product trade ;SWOT analysis


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 选题背景 1

1.2研究方法研究思路 1

1.2.1研究方法 1

1.2.2研究思路 2

第2章 相关文献综述 3

2.1中日韩自贸区建设进程的文献综述 3

2.2我国与日韩文化产品贸易的文献综述 3

第3 章 相关概念 5

3.1 中日韩自贸区的谈判进程 5

3.1.1 中日韩自贸区谈判正常期 5

3.1.2 中日韩自贸区谈判停滞期 5

3.1.3 中日韩自贸区谈判加速期 6

3.2 文化产品的定义 6

第4章2006-2015年中日韩三国文化产品贸易现状 8

4.1中国文化产品贸易现状(在全球市场) 8

4.1.1 2006-2015年中国文化产品贸易在全球市场总量 8

4.1.2 2006-2015年中国文化产品贸易结构 9

4.2 自贸区内中日、中韩之间文化产品贸易现状 11

4.2.1 2006-2015年中日之间文化产品进出口现状 11

4.2.2 2006-2015年中韩之间文化产品进出口现状 12

第5章 构建中日韩自贸区对中国文化产品贸易发展的影响 14

5.1 优势 14

5.1.1 提高三国民众的文化产品消费 14

5.1.2 增加文化产品进出口体量 14

5.1.3 倒逼文化产业快速发展 14

5.2劣势 14

5.2.1 中国在文化产品上的贸易顺差消失 15

5.2.2 我国文化产品消费市场被挤压 15

5.3机会 15

5.3.1 依靠经济发展谋求政治稳定 15

5.3.2 文化产业在竞争中成功转型 15

5.4威胁 16

5.4.1 美国干涉中日韩自贸区建设 16

5.4.2 日韩的文化渗透 16

第6章 中国文化产品贸易发展的对策和建议 17

6.1加快推动文化产业发展 17

6.2 提高文化产品附加值 17

6.3 促成中日韩自贸区早日建成 17

6.4 警惕日韩文化渗透 17

参考文献 19

致谢 20

第1章 绪论

1.1 选题背景



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