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 2021-10-23 20:18:16  

摘 要



关键词应收账款融资 中小银行 中小企业 实证研究


In the past two years, under the background of stricter regulatory policies and financial deleveraging, the financing environment of enterprises has been tightened and the new demand to make good use of their existing assets has emerged constantly.Starting from the second half of 2017, accounts receivable financing policy, from the central bank to revise the registration of pledge of accounts receivable "method", to the Shanghai stock exchange, Shenzhen stock exchange, quotation system synchronization on the enterprise accounts receivable asset backed securities listed conditions confirmed guide, both traditional pledge of accounts receivable, or innovation of asset securitization, accounts receivable financing are encouraged by the support of policy.

The purpose of this study is to select with Hunan province Ningiang city medium and small Banks to small and medium enterprises as the research object, combined with the analysis of the domestic current situation of the accounts receivable financing, through the field interview and practice of small and medium-sized bank accounts receivable, determined in this paper, empirical studies conducted by reality, small and medium-sized Banks so as to explore in the accounts receivable problems existing in the process of the business, further understand and master the current situation and trend of development of small and medium-sized bank accounts receivable, and puts forward relevant Suggestions.

Keywords :accounts receivable financing ; medium and small Banks ; medium and small enterprises ; The empirical research


第1章 研究的背景及意义 4

1.1研究背景 4

1.2研究意义 4

1.3研究现状 5

第2章 调研背景 7

2.1宁乡市调研背景 7

2.2现有的中小银行应收账款融资模式的分类及功能 7

2.2.1应收账款融资模式的分类 7

2.2.2应收账款融资的功能 9

第3章 调研内容 10

3.1对已获得银行应收账款融资的中小企业调研分析 10

3.1.1博源纸业有限公司 10

3.1.2天宁热电有限公司 12

3.1.3湖南兆丰混凝土有限公司 15

3.2对未获得银行应收账款融资的中小企业调研分析 17

3.2.1飞翼股份有限公司 17

3.2.2长沙锦丰重工科技有限公司 18

3.3对于核心企业的调研分析 19

3.3.1格力暖通制冷设备有限公司调研分析 19

3.3.2楚天科技股份有限公司调研分析 20

第4章 存在的问题与建议 22

4.1存在的问题 22

4.1.1中小企业存在的主要问题 22

4.1.2核心企业存在的主要问题 23

4.2对策建议 23

4.2.1简化确权程序,提升工作效率 23

4.2.2加大核心企业配合的优惠举措 23

4.2.3打包多个应收账款形成资金池 24

4.2.4加强中小企业自身信用体系建设 24

4.2.5拓展企业双方信用额度 24

参考文献 25

致谢 26

第1章 研究的背景及意义





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