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 2021-10-25 21:01:04  

摘 要






With the advent of the information age, smart classroom has been widely used in primary and middle schools across the country since 2013 at the earliest. Since 2014, smart classroom, an emerging teaching platform, has been gradually popularized in colleges and universities across the country. At the same time, the state has issued relevant plans to lay a foundation for the promotion of smart classrooms. Under the support of relevant policies such as the 13th five-year plan for education informatization and the national program for medium - and long-term education reform and development (2010-2020), the construction of educational information infrastructure has become the top priority.

As a new tool of information technology education, smart classroom can improve the interaction between teachers and students, stimulate students' interest in learning, feedback and evaluate students' learning effect. Although in theory, smart classroom has significantly improved the efficiency of classroom education in colleges and universities, the actual effect of smart classroom still needs to be investigated in practical application. In this paper, based on Wuhan university, Wuhan university of technology teachers for classroom application survey of wisdom, to teachers and students as the subject of investigation, from the teacher for classroom use of attitude and wisdom the application ability of the classroom, the wisdom of the classroom application way, application effect of the classroom of wisdom, and wisdom the problems existing in the classroom and other dimensions to the whole situation of the classroom to use wisdom to investigate. At the same time, from the students' learning process, learning attitude, learning effect and problems encountered in learning, the students' learning situation in the smart classroom was comprehensively investigated. This paper mainly adopts literature analysis method, interview method, questionnaire method and other research methods to study relevant issues. Two aspects of teaching and learning to design dimension, through the questionnaire survey to obtain the Wuhan polytechnic university teachers' application of wisdom the relevant data of the classroom, using SPSS statistical analysis software for data analysis, find out the classroom teachers in the practical application of wisdom, the existing teaching problems and put forward the improvement opinion, to improve the application efficiency of the classroom wisdom, create a student active learning, teachers' individualized teaching intelligent teaching environment, the university teachers' application of wisdom of the classroom teaching quality has a certain practical guiding significance.

From these questionnaires, this paper analyzes and summarizes the application status of smart classroom in colleges and universities. Through the research, three main problems are found in the use of smart classroom by teachers -- the difference in information literacy of teachers, the influence of traditional teaching concepts on teachers, and the degree of completion of the basic construction of smart classroom. At the same time, this paper puts forward some Suggestions according to the problems found in the investigation.

Key Words:Smart-Classroom;College teachers;Validity survey

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2目的及意义 1

1.3研究思路以及方法 2

1.3.1研究思路 2

1.3.2研究方法 2

1.4国内外研究方法 2

1.4.1国外研究综述 2

1.4.2国内研究综述 3

1.5相关理论及概念 4

1.5.1相关理论 4

1.5.2相关概念 5

第2章 武汉理工大学使用智慧教室现状调查 6

2.1调查前期准备 6

2.1.1调查问卷设计 6

2.1.2调查群体选择 6

2.2调查过程 6

2.2.1问卷调查 6

2.2.2半结构化访谈 6

2.3调查结果分析 7

2.3.1问卷信度和效度检验 7

2.3.2调查结果 10

第3章 存在的问题 18

3.1 教师的信息素养限制 18

3.2部分教师不具备课堂转型的意愿和能力 18

3.3智慧教室的软件硬件备存在缺陷 19

第4章 建议与策略 20

4.1提升教师的信息素养 20

4.2转变教师传统教学的观念 20

4.3优化智慧教室设备并定期进行维护 20

第5章 结语 21

5.1研究结论 21

5.2研究的局限性和展望 21

参考文献 22

附录 23

致谢 30

第1章 绪论


随着科技的进步,人类进入“大数据”时代和“互联网 ”时代。这种高度信息化的时代,给传统教育带来了许多机遇和挑战,同时也为我们描绘了一幅新的教学体系。在此基础上重建新的教学理念和体系,相应的教学形式也会出现新的模式。近些年来,传统课堂不断受到移动互联网设备的冲击,在这种环境下课堂的教学环境已经被重新构建,一种新的教学模式正在逐渐形成。智慧教室就是这种环境下的产物,它作为新时代的一种全新的教学形态,掀起了教育界的研究热潮[1]。2012年,我国教育部出台了《教育信息化十年发展规划(2011-2020年)》,其中明确指出“推进信息技术与教学融合,建设智能化教学环境”的发展任务,“从早期主要关注教育信息化的软、硬件设施建设和教学资源开发的数字化教育建设阶段,转入以智慧教室和智慧校园建设为标志的智慧教育阶段。”在这个政策的支持下,全国从小学到大学,成千上万所高校都在进行着一场以智慧教室为中心的教学革命[2]。国内最早的智慧教室可以追溯到2012年华东师范大学在闵行校区建立的20间智慧教室。自此之后,许多高校也开始纷纷着手建立智慧教室或启动智慧教室相关的项目。


当前信息时代背景下,我国的基础教育正在一步一步进行深入化改革,近些年来,国内传统教育和信息技术相互融合的呼声越来越高,在许多学校对智慧教室的尝试当中,技术与学科之间的联系也开始逐渐紧密起来[3]。可以说智慧教室就是目前传统教育改革的基石,是实现“互联网 教育”这一政策理念的核心前提。智慧教室作为近些年来教育与技术相结合的新兴产物,与传统课堂有着本质的区别。借助智慧教室进行教学,学生们能有效地对课堂知识进行预习与探讨,老师也可以在课堂中轻松活跃课堂气氛,达到高效的教学效果,促进学生独立思考和合作探究的能力。但是在现实的实际应用中,智慧教室在不同的地域,不同的学校,不同的老师之间,实际应用情况都存在十分巨大的差异。





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