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 2021-10-28 20:45:47  

摘 要

我国自古就是大力发展农业的国家,但是传统农业一直是主要的发展模式。直到上世纪 90 年代开始,有机农业才开始在国内发展,但相较于发达国家,我国的有机农业仍然发展较慢。相较于传统农业,有机农业的优势有很多方面,有机农业将传统农业和高新技术相结合,提高了生产力,能够很好地改善我国人口众多产生的粮食短缺问题;不仅如此,有机农业的生产模式走的是可持续发展路线,更加顺应自然。因此,我国农业未来的发展趋势就是发展有机农业,特别是在当今国际食品卫生和公共环境遇到危机的时刻,有机农业的大力发展既是我国国情的需要,又是世界农业发展的大走向。所以,未来农业的发展,主要就是有机农业的发展。然而我国有机农业和现代有机农场的发展起步较晚,当前还有着诸多方面的挑战,如功能定位不准,选址不够合理,规划不到位等,在一定程度上影响了有机农场的形象和健康发展。鉴于此,本文结合已有相关研究成果,以安徽蚌埠地区为例,对其有机农场的规划设计进行探讨,首先弄清目前有机农场的几种不同发展模式以及其各自优缺点,然后通过网上查找资料,实地调查等方式对安徽蚌埠地区实际情况进行综合分析,结合其他国家或地区的先相似进案例进行参考,确定该地区的有机农场类型,最后再对农场的作物选择、土壤肥力保持、农场经营管理、产品销售对接等方面进行详细规划并给出相应的建议。



China has been a country that has been vigorously developing agriculture since ancient times, but traditional agriculture has always been the main mode of development. It was not until the 1990s that organic agriculture began to develop in China, but compared with developed countries, China's organic agriculture still developed slowly. Compared with traditional agriculture, organic agriculture has many advantages. Organic agriculture combines traditional agriculture with high and new technologies, improves productivity, and can improve the problem of food shortage caused by China's large population. Not only that, the production mode of organic agriculture follows the line of sustainable development and is more in line with nature. Therefore, the development trend of China's agriculture in the future is to develop organic agriculture, especially at the moment when the international food hygiene and public environment are in crisis. The vigorous development of organic agriculture is not only the need of China's national conditions, but also the general trend of agricultural development in the world. Therefore, the development of agriculture in the future is mainly the development of organic agriculture. However, the development of China's organic agriculture and modern organic farms started relatively late. At present, there are still many challenges, such as inaccurate functional positioning, unreasonable site selection and inadequate planning, which to some extent affect the image and healthy development of organic farms. In view of this, this paper, taking Bengbu area in Anhui province as an example, discusses the planning and design of organic farms. Firstly, it makes clear several different development modes of organic farms and their respective advantages and disadvantages. Secondly, it makes a comprehensive analysis of the actual situation in Bengbu area in Anhui province by means of online data search and field investigation. Finally, it makes a detailed plan and gives corresponding suggestions on crop selection, soil fertility maintenance, farm management, product sales and docking, etc. by referring to the previous similar cases in other countries or regions.

Key words: Organic farm; planning and design; Bengbu


摘要 I

Abstract II

1绪论 1

1.1研究背景及意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 2

1.3主要研究内容 2

2 安徽蚌埠地区概况 4

2.1地理位置 4

2.2自然环境 4

2.3发展现状 4

3国内外有机农场规划的先进案例 8

3.1国内有机农场规划案例 8

3.2国外有机农场规划案例 9

4 蚌埠地区有机农场规划设计与对策 13

4.1有机农场规划的基本思路与原则 13

4.2有机农场规划设计方案 13

4.2.1有机农场基本模式 13

4.2.2功能分区 14

4.2.3农场管理 17

4.3有机农场规划设计对策 18

5结论 20

参考文献 21

致谢 22

第一章 绪论


《中华人民共和国国民经济和社会发展第十三个五年规划纲要》中提出,要建立全程可追溯、互联共享的农产品质量安全信息平台,健全从农田到餐桌的农产品质量安全过程监管体系;发展无公害农产品、绿色食品、有机农产品、地理标志农产品,使全民健康状况明显改善,人民生活水平和质量进一步提高[1]。有机农业在国外兴起较早,从国内发展情况来看,有机农业还处于刚刚起步的阶段。上世纪90年代初期,有机农业在我国开始发展起来,并很快受到了国家和地方政府的高度重视。当今,有机农业的理念在节能减排、保护环境、废弃物利用、 提升农产品质量安全与实现食品全程可追溯等多个方面都和我国的规划发展方向不谋而合。中国自己的首部有机产品国家检测管理标准在2005年正式发布,2011年的时候进行重新修订和改进,完善了相关内容。正规检测管理标准的出台,大大规范了有机农业的发展,同时对推动我国有机农业发展、提高有机农产品质量安全起到了极大的促进作用。我国有机产品发展,不仅体现在销售,我国有机产品的进口量也在逐年增加。2006年我国有机产品消费量第一次赶超出口量,我国有机食物的销售额达到了56亿人民币;我国大量从国外进口大豆、大米、玉米等粮食作物,中国一改出口国的身份,在美国、德国和法国之后变成第四大有机产品进口国。


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