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 2021-11-04 20:48:10  

摘 要





Nowadays, with the development of modern technology, information technology and intelligent technology are more and more favored by the manufacturing industry. At the same time, they are constantly transforming intelligent technology.In order to promote the intelligent manufacturing construction of production plants and form a set of corresponding intelligent control systems, it is necessary to analyze the needs of the current factories and add some high-tech technologies to the original basis to make the monitoring of the factories more intelligent.Especially some factories with relatively high risk factors, such as nuclear power plants, chemical plants, cement plants, etc.Therefore, the development of a control technology for the collection of various parameters of production equipment is conducive to the construction and development of manufacturing enterprises.

The content of this design is to design a simple intelligent monitoring system based on the production equipment and plant safety of a methane chloride chemical plant.First, analyze the main production equipment of the plant, analyze the main equipment to be monitored and determine the devices to be monitored and the important points to be monitored.This design is mainly divided into two parts: hardware system and software system.The hardware part mainly uses some sensors (temperature, pressure) for data collection, and the USB camera for monitoring screen collection.The collected signals are collected by a data acquisition card, and the signals are transmitted to the labview virtual instrument host computer control system for data analysis, and the data model is converted into an intuitive control interface (host computer control panel).According to the monitored production equipment, you can intuitively see the production status of the current production equipment from the labview host computer interface.The normality of the production equipment can be judged by the reflected parameters.In this way, the safety factor and efficiency of the plant are improved, which is in line with the current development direction of industrial intelligence.

Keywords:Smart factory;lvirtual instrument;smart monitoring system ; methane chloride


第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景及研究意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 1

1.3智能监控系统的构架 2

1.4本设计使用的软件及主要研究工作 3

第二章 甲烷氯化物生产设备和监控目标确定 5

2.1甲烷氯化物的性质和它的生产工艺流程 5

2.1.1甲烷氯化物的性质和用途 5

2.1.2甲烷氯化物的制取方法 5

2.2甲烷氯化物的生产装置 7

2.2.1甲醇氢氯化单元 7

2.2.2多氯化单元 8

2.2.3精馏单元 8

2.3监控的目标 9

第三章 监控目标硬件设计 11

3.1硬件系统设计标准 11

3.2温度传感器的采用与安装方法 11

3.3压力传感器的采用与安装方法 12

3.4监控摄像头的采用与安装方法 13

3.4数据采集卡 13

3.5防腐蚀装置设计 14

第四章 智能监控系统设计 15

4.1系统总体设计 15

4.2控制系统模块设计 15

4.2.1系统登录模块设计 16

4.2.2反应装置温度显示模块 17

4.2.3反应装置压力装置显示模块 18

4.2.4视频监控模块 19

4.3控制系统仿真运行 21

4.4本章小结 23

第五章 总结与展望 25

5.1总结 25

5.1.1本次设计的不足 25

5.1.2本文的主要工作内容 25

5.2展望 26

参考文献 27

致谢 29

第一章 绪论







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