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 2021-11-05 19:31:11  

摘 要






The fuel cell is an energy conversion device that converts chemical energy stored in hydrogen and oxygen directly into electrical energy. In order to ensure the fuel cell’s performance and lifetime, to maintain consistent performance at various points on membrane electrode, also get uniform reaction gas distribution and uniform temperature distribution in the reaction area, otherwise it will lead to bigger difference in membrane electrode performance at various points, serious when a hotspot, and even result in proton exchange membrane damage, affects the performance of fuel cell and service lifetime. In order to improve the uniformity of temperature distribution in the reaction area of fuel cell and improve the performance of the cell, this paper adopts the method of numerical analysis to optimize the structure of cooling flow field of fuel cell vehicle and to explore the new cooling flow field.

Firstly, a series of governing equations involved in the electrochemical reaction of fuel cells are introduced, and the generation and transfer of heat inside the cells are analyzed from the polarization characteristic curves of the fuel cells. Subsequently,six types of cooling flow fields are designed, which are:single-channel straight-line flow field,three types of single-channel straight-line flow field with internal integrated fins, and two kinds of wavy cooling flow fields. Six three-dimensional models of cooling flow field are established and the specific meshing scheme is determined.

Then, the performance of different cooling structures was compared and analyzed from the power current curve of the battery, the distribution of current density, the pressure drop at the inlet and outlet of cooling water and the distribution of reaction gas, and the temperature uniformity was compared from the overall temperature distribution of the battery. The results show that: (1)in terms of battery performance, two structures with a height of 0.8mm fins are integrated into the cooling channel, which have the maximum power at different current densities. The maximum current density value of two structures with a height of 0.5mm and a structure with a height of 0.8mm are integrated into the cooling channel. The pressure drop of cooling channel. Based on all the performance indexes, a structure with a height of 0.8mm fin is integrated into the cooling channel to achieve the optimal performance. (2)in terms of temperature distribution,the traditional straight flow channel has the lowest temperature difference between the inlet and outlet of cooling water, about 6.7℃; A structure with a height of

0.8mm fin was integrated into the cooling channel. The overall temperature distribution was the most uniform and the average temperature was the lowest. (3)the fins with high thermal conductivity can improve the performance of the battery and the overall temperature distribution of the battery. With fewer fins, the performance can be improved significantly, and the pressure drop is relatively low. The performance of the spatial wavy cooling flow field and the uniformity of temperature distribution have not been significantly improved, while the planar wavy cooling flow field has been improved to some extent in the uniformity of temperature distribution.

Key Words:vehicle fuel cells;numerical simulation;cooling flow field;performance;temperature distribution


摘 要 I

Abstrat II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 课题研究背景 1

1.1.1 传统车用能源存在的问题 1

1.1.2 氢的利用 2

1.1.3 质子交换膜燃料电池工作原理 2

1.1.4 质子交换膜燃料电池电堆的结构 3

1.2燃料电池冷却方式 4

1.3国内外研究现状 5

1.3.1质子交换膜燃料电池冷却流场结构研究 5

1.3.2质子交换膜燃料电池热管理研究 8

1.4本文研究内容 9

第2章 燃料电池数学模型分析 10

2.1 引言 11

2.2 控制方程 11

2.2.1质量守恒方程 11

2.2.2动量守恒方程 12

2.2.3能量守恒方程 12

2.2.4组分守恒方程 13

2.2.5电荷守恒方程 13

2.3 燃料电池热分析 14

2.3.1燃料电池极化曲线分析 14

2.3.2燃料电池产生热量的分析 16

2.4 本章小结 16

第3章 燃料电池冷却流场优化 17

3.1 模型建立 17

3.1.1 结构优化型冷却流场模型建立 17

3.1.2 波浪形冷却流场模型建立 18

3.2 网格划分 19

3.2.1 网格划分方案制定 19

3.2.2 网格划分方案选取 20

3.3 边界条件和基本参数设置 22

3.4 不同燃料电池模型计算结果 23

3.3.1 不同模型的极化曲线 23

3.3.2 不同模型的电流密度 24

3.3.3 不同模型冷却水的压降 24

3.3.4 不同模型的反应气体分布 25

3.3.5 不同模型的温度分布 27

3.5 本章小结 29

第4章 不同燃料电池模型结果分析与后处理 30

4.1 不同燃料电池模型性能分析 30

4.1.1 不同模型的电压和功率分析比较 30

4.1.2 不同模型的电流密度分析比较 31

4.1.3 不同模型冷却水压降的分析比较 32

4.1.4 不同模型反应气体分布的分析比较 32

4.2 不同燃料电池模型温度分布分析 33

4.3 本章小结 35

第5章 结论 36

5.1 总结 36

5.1.1 研究内容总结 36

5.1.2 论文工作存在的不足 36

5.2 展望 37

参考文献 38

致谢 40

第1章 绪论

1.1 课题研究背景

1.1.1 传统车用能源存在的问题


图1.1 2011年-2019年中国汽车保有量示意图

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