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 2021-11-06 20:22:59  

摘 要








第3章,寻找分析对随机情况进行简化的多种算法,掌握算法基本原理,总结了一种适用于KVLCC2试验船舶的自适应聚类算法(Adaptive Multi-Clustering Algorithm,AMCA),以实现船舶随机情况的简化,增强计算效果。





With the continuous development of the marine economy, ships, as a means of marine transportation, have higher requirements for their economic performance. With the rapid development of new energy power generation, artificial intelligence and electrical and electronic technology, all-electric new energy ships have become an important way to reduce operating costs and save energy and reduce emissions. During the voyage, the complex marine conditions will cause the ship's power grid to fluctuate. At the same time, the intervention of new energy technologies will also cause the ship's power grid to fluctuate. Drive the ship as an object to study the energy control method.

When the energy of the lithium battery on the ship has been stored, the energy management system cannot sense it in time and the electrical energy cannot be stored to the battery, resulting in a waste of power;

When the ship is accelerating, the energy management system cannot timely sense the remaining capacity of the lithium battery, which may cause battery losses due to insufficient power;

The above two situations indicate that all-electric ships will encounter energy control problems during navigation. The research in this paper can give a new solution for the control method of KVLCC2 electric drive ship.

The detailed work is as follows:

Chapter 1,it gives a description of the research background and significance of this article. The basic concepts of the development of electric ships and energy control methods are introduced. It also summarizes the main research contents of this article.

In Chapter 2, a KVLCC2 type all-electric-drive ship with a proportional reduction is analyzed in detail. According to the electricity consumption of the ship, the probability distribution function is obtained by statistical thinking. According to the obtained probability distribution function, the method of sampling is used to generate a sufficient random situation.

Chapter 3 discusses clustering algorithms that can simplify a large number of random scenes, master the basic principles of clustering algorithms, and proposes an adaptive multi-clustering algorithm (AMCA suitable for high-dimensional ship data) To simplify the clustering of ship random scenes and improve the calculation efficiency.

Chapter 4 establishes an energy optimization management model for all-electric-drive ships equipped with energy storage systems, and obtains the best ship speed and lithium battery output for one day. By comparing with the fixed speed state, it is verified that the proposed model can greatly improve the ship's operating efficiency. Based on the experimental ship, use the MATLAB compiler software to compile and verify a good energy efficiency management plan.

Chapter 5 summarizes the full book and draws conclusions, and summarizes innovation points, and on this basis, puts forward research prospects.

Keywords: energy control; marine power grid; lead-acid battery energy storage;



第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究的目的及意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 3

1.2.1电动驱动船舶的发展 3

1.2.2能量管理系统 4

1.3论文的研究内容及组织结构 6

1.3.1论文研究内容 6

1.3.2论文的组织结构 6

第2章 现有解决方案与船舶情况 7

2.1现有的解决方案 7

2.2船舶基本情况和电网模型 7

2.2.1船舶基本情况 8

2.2.2船舶电网模型 2

2.2.3试验船舶负荷介绍 2

2.2.4试验船舶负荷随机性分析 2

2.3 船舶航程路线上光照情况分析 3

第3章 船舶光照和负荷随机场景分析 4

3.1切片抽样方法 4

3.2基于试验船舶的自适应多阶段聚类算法 4

第4章.储能装置配置选择与能量控制方法 6

4.1储能系统优化配置 6

4.1.1储能系统选取的影响因素 6

4.1.2试验船舶储能系统类型的选择 7

4.2能量控制方法 8

4.2.1船舶电力推进系统的能量控制方法制定流程 8

4.3不同运行模式下的控制方法 9

4.3.1低速运行模式下的能量控制方法研究 9

4.3.2中速运行模式下的能量控制方法研究 10

4.3.3高速运行模式下的能量控制方法研究 10

第5章.总结与展望 11

参考文献 13

致 谢 15

第1章 绪论


自从世界上第一盏电灯被发明出来以后,电能逐渐开始被利用,后来随着电动机的出现,电能被利用到更宽的领域,逐渐向制造业,运输业等方向发展,人类进入了电气时代。电能虽然有清洁、干净等特点,但是目前电能主要来源于煤炭等化石燃料的燃烧产生,化石能源是不可再生能源,有枯竭的风险。另一方面,化石燃料的燃烧会产生大量的CO2温室气体,导致全球气候变暖。因此在资源短缺和环境恶化的形势下,寻找和推广可再生能源具有重要意义,是社会可持续发展的有力保障[1]。2015年,美国《国家科学院学报》月度报告发表的奥斯陆气候以及环境国际研究中心的工作报告同时指出,各类交通工具所排放的气体对全球变暖造成了巨大的影响[2]。作为占世界运输业绝大比例的航运业,其对环境和资源的影响尤其的严重,其发展可再生能源技术具有重要的意义。船舶虽然是最节能、最环保、运输成本最低的交通运输形式,但由于船舶航行区域广,航行环境难以监控等原因,其温室气体的排放一直容易被忽略。但是国际海事组织(International Maritime Organization,IMO)专家组的研究数据指出,2007年航运业每年的燃油消耗量高达3亿吨,排放CO2约有11亿吨,占全球总排放的3.3%[3];假如不对这一现象进行整改,这一所占比例还会继续增加,预计到2040年上涨到16%[4]。目前这一现象以得到了越来来越多国家的重视,各国都在积极寻找有效的解决方法并试图成立国际组织共同对抗这一巨大的挑战。1997年IMO在MARPOL公约缔约国会议中表决决定:和联合国气候变化框架公约(United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change,UNFCCC)合作[5],研究船舶CO2排放问题。IMO海洋环境保护委员会(Maritime Environment Protection Committee,MEPC)在每年召开的会议中针对这一问题进行严格地研究和讨论[6],终于在2011年召开的MEPC第62次会议上通过了《新船能源效率设计指标》(Energy Efficiency Design Index,EEDI)和《营运船的能源效率管理计划》(Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan SEEMP),并将其列入到MARPOL附则Ⅵ中强制所有船舶实施[7]种种举措表明,环境问题得到了越来越多国家和组织的重视,推动发展新能源电动驱动船舶迫在眉睫。


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