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 2021-11-06 23:22:12  

摘 要






Against the background of global warming, countries are spontaneously seeking a way to develop the low-carbon economy, which has promoted the establishment and development of the carbon emissions trading scheme. China also approved this scheme in 2011 and the formal implementation was in 2013. But can the carbon emissions trading scheme achieve coordinated development between the environment and the economy? Will the participation of companies in carbon trading affect firm value and how? In order to explore these issues, this paper starts the following study.

This paper takes China's carbon emission trading scheme as an external source of impact, and takes the Shanghai and Shenzhen A-share listed companies affected by related events as the research objects. Using the event research method, it studies the influence of Chinese carbon emission trading scheme on the firm value from a short-term perspective. Besides, it explored the relationship between carbon intensity and firm value under this scheme, and explained the microeconomic consequences of the establishment of a carbon emission trading scheme in China.

The study found that before the formal implementation of the carbon emissions trading scheme, due to the optimistic attitude of investors, both events had a positive reaction and increased firm value. However, after the formal implementation, due to the fact that the cost transfer efficiency was far lower than expected during the implementation process, the negative market reaction caused by the third incident reduced the enterprise value. The regression results show that in energy-related firms, carbon intensity is inversely proportional to the value of the enterprise. Further research found that the nature of property rights did not cause a significant difference in the above research results, and the carbon emissions trading scheme did not treat state-owned and non-state-owned firms differently. Finally, this paper puts forward some advice for the implementation of the Chinese carbon emission trading system, with a view to guiding the development of Chinese carbon market.

Key Words:carbon emission trading scheme;firm value;energy-related firms;carbon intensity

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景及意义 1

1.1.1研究背景 1

1.1.2理论与现实意义 2

1.2研究现状 3

1.2.1碳排放权交易机制的宏观层面研究 3

1.2.2碳排放权交易机制的微观层面研究 3

1.2.3研究现状评述 5

1.3研究内容和方法 5

1.3.1研究内容 5

1.3.2研究方法 7

第2章 理论基础与研究假设 8

2.1理论基础 8

2.1.1碳排放权交易理论 8

2.1.2环境对企业价值影响理论 9

2.2研究假设 10

第3章 研究设计 13

3.1样本选择 13

3.2变量设计 13

3.2.1累计超额收益率 13

3.2.2碳强度指标 14

3.2.3其他控制变量 14

3.3模型设计 16

第4章 实证结果分析及检验 17

4.1碳排放权交易机制对企业价值影响的实证结果分析 17

4.1.1描述性统计 17

4.1.2相关性分析 18

4.1.3 T参数检验 20

4.1.4回归分析 22

4.2稳健性检验 24

4.3进一步研究 26

第5章 研究总结与展望 29

5.1研究结论 29

5.2政策启示 29

5.3研究不足与展望 30

参考文献 31

致谢 34

第1章 绪论




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