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 2021-11-07 21:14:08  

摘 要







In this paper, the type selection design and piping design of the main propulsion power unit of the 88-meter inland oil tanker are discussed and analyzed in detail, which provides a reference template for the power unit design of the same type of inland oil tanker.

Inland ships will encounter resistance when sailing on the river. In order to allow the ship to navigate normally at a set speed, it is necessary to give the ship a thrust in the opposite direction to the resistance to overcome the resistance. The main propulsion device of the ship is to convert the rated power provided by the diesel engine into the effective power that can promote the ship's navigation [1]. The design of the power plant is closely related to the conversion of energy in the design of ship construction. Its design accuracy is very high, and there is no room for sloppyness.

The design idea of ​​this article: first use the empirical formula of ship resistance estimation to calculate the resistance of the ship; then use the Air method to calculate and correct the effective power of the main engine; and then perform the primary matching calculation of the ship, machine and propeller to initially determine the main engine and propeller Basic parameters and parameters of each operating point; Finally, the final matching calculation of the ship, machine and propeller is carried out, and finally the airworthiness parameters and the specific parameters of the propeller are determined. After determining the main propulsion device of the ship, the type selection analysis and calculation of various auxiliary power facilities serving the main engine, including the ship's fuel oil system, lubricating oil system, bilge water system, fire water system, cooling system, compressed air Systems, cabin ventilation systems, etc. Considering various factors such as different river conditions and working conditions, in order to achieve good management of the ship's engine room and the convenience of daily maintenance, various equipment and piping systems related to the design of the power plant must be reasonably arranged on the ship. Use AutoCAD to draw the ship engine room layout diagram, ship engine room piping system diagram and so on.

In the design process, I have referred to the works of many scholars and provided great help to this design. Finally, in accordance with the revised notice and other legal specifications and technical standards in the "Code for Construction of Steel Inland River Ships" (2019) [2], the marine specification for the design of the ship's power plant was completed.

Key words:Main engine selection; Propeller matching; Auxiliary power facility selection; Engine room layout; Engine room piping


摘要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景、目的及意义 1

1.2 研究基本内容和目标 1

第2章 主机与螺旋桨选型 2

2.1 引言 2

2.2 船舶阻力的估算 2

2.3 用爱尔法估算船舶有效功率 3

2.3 初步机桨匹配 6

3.4终结机桨匹配 9

第3章 主要机械设备估算 12

3.1 船舶电站 12

3.2燃油系统设备估算及选型 13

3.2.1燃油消耗量 13

3.2.2燃油舱柜容积计算 14

3.3滑油系统设备估算及选型 15

3.3.1滑油消耗量 15

3.3.2 滑油舱柜容积计算 16

3.4舱底水系统 16

3.5消防水系统 17

3.5.1消防泵排量计算 17

3.5.2 消防泵压力计算 18

3.5.3消防系统管径计算 18

3.6海水总管直径计算 19

3.7压缩空气系统计算 19

3.8机舱通风设备计算 20

3.9泵舱通风设备计算 22

3.10油污水系统 22

3.11船舶垃圾 23

3.12生活污水系统 23

第4章 主要机械设备明细表 24

4.1 主机 24

4.2 螺旋桨 24

4.3 主发电柴油机 24

4.4 应急发电柴油机 24

4.5 齿轮箱 25

4.6 燃油、滑油、液货、污油系统 25

4.7 舱底、压载、消防系统 26

4.8 压缩空气系统 27

4.9 防污系统 27

4.10 通风系统 27

4.11 甲板泡沫系统 27

4.12 CO2灭火系统 28

4.13 机修设备 28

4.14 加热系统 28

4.15 其他 28

第5章 轮机说明书 30

5.1概述 30

5.2机泵舱布置 30

5.3动力管系 32

5.3.1燃油管系 32

5.3.2滑油管系 32

5.3.3冷却水管系 32

5.3.4排气管系 33

5.3.5压缩空气管系 33

5.4船舶系统 33

5.4.1舱底、压载水系统 33

5.4.2防污染系统 33

5.4.3注入、测量、空气管系 34

5.4.4消防系统 34

5.4.5生活用水系统 35

5.4.6通风系统 35

5.4.7货油加热系统 35

5.4.8石油沥青理化特性 35

5.4.9货油装卸系统 36

5.4.10货油安全监测系统 36

5.4.11货油舱透气管系 36

5.5推进与操纵系统 36

5.5.1推进系统 36

5.5.2操舵系统 37

5.6甲板机械 37

第6章 结论与展望 38

6.1结论 38

6.2展望 38

参考文献 39

致谢 40

第1章 绪论



1.2 研究基本内容和目标



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