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 2021-11-07 21:20:03  

摘 要







Gender health topics and the market have always been a very sensitive area, especially in the marketing process, copywriting, pictures and videos must first comply with the law, and secondly, they cannot exceed the consumer's moral bottom line. However, with the vigorous development of the new media era, the improvement of the national ideological level and the improvement of the public's demand for health, the topic of gender health has become more conversational. People's attitude towards it is no longer a promise, which is a great opportunity for marketing activities around products and brands.

In 2011, Durex's rain shoe incident quickly became popular on major social media platforms. Since then, Durex's marketing has been active in the public's eyes. Weibo and WeChat have become their main means of reaching out to the public and marketing communication. Among them, Weibo is the main position for Durex to carry out topic marketing and market marketing and other brand publicity activities, while the WeChat public account is to increase its stickiness with the public. Tool, Durex regularly sends topical articles that resonate with the target group on this platform.

A major feature of the new media era is the extremely fast information spread and wide spread. Therefore, all events that do not meet the people's moral standards will quickly ferment among the media and spread quickly. In addition to the famous rain boots incident in 2011, Durex is also famous for the overturning incident with Xicha in 2019. Observing the public's response to Durex's marketing content on the official Weibo and WeChat public account platforms, we can find that the public's enthusiasm for interacting with Durex has greatly diminished. Finally, in response to the phenomenon that people often ridicule "marketing, I only serve Durex, but I use Okamoto", Durex can absorb suggestions to improve the product itself.

This article comprehensively integrates Durex's strategy of leverage marketing, cross-border marketing and topic marketing on Weibo and WeChat public platforms, and analyzes the marketing problems exposed on social platforms, starting from the perspective of the new media era , To propose a constructive solution for Durex.

Keywords: new media; gender health; integrated marketing communications


第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究目的和研究意义 1

1.1.1研究目的 1

1.1.2研究意义 1

1.2国内外文献综述 2

1.2.1关于新媒体的文献综述 2

1.2.2关于整合营销传播的文献综述 3

1.3研究内容和研究方法 4

1.3.1研究内容 4

1.3.2研究方法 4

1.3.3技术路线图 5

第2章 相关理论 6

2.1整合营销传播的演进 6

2.2新媒体的环境特点 6

2.3数字营销 7

2.4IP的特征 7

第3章 两性健康品牌微观环境分析 8

3.1新媒体对两性健康市场环境影响 8

3.2新媒体时代下杜蕾斯竞争环境分析 8

第4章 杜蕾斯整合营销传播现状和分析 9

4.1杜蕾斯整合营销传播现状 9

4.1.1整合营销传播媒介 9

4.1.2整合营销传播策略 10

4.2杜蕾斯整合营销传播的问题分析 11

4.2.1产品认知较差 11

4.2.2互动平台单一 11

4.2.3道德尺度失衡 11

第5章 新媒体时代下杜蕾斯整合营销传播的优化措施 13

5.1丰富数字营销内容 13

5.2打造与品牌相吻合的IP形象 13

5.3体验式整合营销传播 13

5.4加深产品组合深度 14

5.5意见领袖直播宣传 14

第6章 结论 15

参考文献 16

致谢 17

第1章 绪论








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