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 2021-12-20 20:30:52  


摘 要


关键词:清洁生产 生态环境 管理机制

Cleaner production practice and its effectiveness analysis - a case study of jiangsu province


Starting from the current situation of industrial enterprise pollution in China, this paper analyzes the current situation of water pollution, air pollution and solid waste pollution, discusses the disadvantages of terminal treatment in pollution prevention, compares the introduction of clean production concept of pollution prevention, and demonstrates the significance of clean production and the necessity of promoting clean production comprehensively at this stage. Based on the analysis of the current situation of cleaner production practice in jiangsu province under the background of cleaner production development in China, and the situation of ecological environment in jiangsu province in recent years, the problems of cleaner production practice at the present stage are put forward. From the national level, the enterprise level and the public level, the author expounds that laws and regulations, policies, technical level and social concepts are the main factors restricting the development of cleaner production in China. It also puts forward some feasible Suggestions on the national policy mechanism, enterprise incentive mechanism and public supervision mechanism.

Key Words: clean production;ecological environment;management mechanism

目 录

摘 要 I


第一章 末端治理与清洁生产 1

1.1我国环境污染现状 1

1.2污染末端治理及清洁生产 3

1.2.1末端治理概念及弊端 3

1.2.2污染预防-清洁生产概念 4

第二章 我国及江苏省清洁生产现状 6

2.1国内现状 6

2.1.1清洁生产法律法规体系逐步完善 6

2.1.2重点企业清洁生产审核制度全面发展 6

2.2江苏省清洁生产现状 7

2.2.1江苏省重点企业清洁生产审核咨询机构发展情况 8

2.2.2清洁生产知识宣传和培训情况 8

2.2.3江苏省重点企业强制性清洁生产审核开展情况 9

第三章 江苏省清洁生产有效性分析 10

3.1微观企业清洁生产实例 10

3.1.1电子企业清洁生产研究 10

3.1.2印染企业清洁生产实例 12

3.2重点行业清洁生产绩效评估 13

3.3全行业结构和能源消费情况 14

第四章 江苏省清洁生产实践问题分析 17

4.1清洁生产配套法规体系有待完善 17

4.2清洁生产管理机制有待完善 18

4.3清洁生产技术支撑体系不全面 18

4.4企业开展清洁生产的动力不足 19

4.5清洁生产咨询机构自身问题 19

4.6公众参与机制尚不健全 20

第五章 清洁生产可行性实施建议 21

5.1完善有关清洁生产的配套法规 21

5.2协调各清洁生产管理部门 21

5.3完善清洁生产技术支撑体系 22

5.4多因素驱动企业清洁生产 23

5.5优化清洁生产咨询机构业务能力 24

5.6强化公众参与机制 25

结语 26

参考文献 27

致谢 29

第一章 末端治理与清洁生产




图1-1 我国工业废水排放量和工业废水排放量增长率


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