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An Analysis of Educational Themes in To Kill A Mockingbird毕业论文

 2021-12-30 21:01:24  


摘 要


1. Introduction 1

1.1 Research background 1

1.2 Need of the study 3

2. Literature Review 6

3. The Analysis of Perternal Education in To Kill a Mockingbird 8

3.1 Answer children’s questions directly 8

3.2 Set yourself an example to children 9

3.3 Respect everyone equally and stand in others’ shoes 9

4. Lack of Maternal Education in To Kill a Mockingbird 11

4.1 Influence of the lack of maternal education 11

4.1.1 Scout's character defects and their causes 11

4.1.2 Scout's lack of gender identity 12

4.2 Importance of maternal education in children’s social development 12

5. Conclusion 14

References 15


Upon the completion of this thesis, I would like to express my sincere thanks to all the people who have helped me during the process of my writing. Without their generous help, the thesis would not have been finished.

First of all, I would like to express my sincere thanks to my supervisor, Mrs. Zhang, who has offered me valuable suggestions of this thesis, she has spent much time reading through each draft and provided me with inspiring advice. Without her patient instruction, insightful criticism and expert guidance, I couldn’t finish this paper completely.

Next, My sincere gratitude also goes to all the professors in Foreign Languages Institute in Nanjing Tech University, from whose devoted teaching and enlightening lectures I have benefited a lot and academically prepared for the thesis.

Lastly, I would like to express my gratitude to mu beloved parents who have always been helping me out of difficulties and supporting without a word of complaint.


The educational ideas and methods carried out by Atticus in To Kill a Mockingbird have a certain influence on American family education. As a father, his educational methosd are worth discussing and pondering. This paper aims to analyze Atticus’s educational methods, make a comprehensive interpretation of his educational methods from three aspects, and make a systematic summary of his educational methods, hoping that these educational ideas can have a certain impact on the current children's education in China.

After my study of the novel, The thesis analyzes the educational themes from three aspects. First, in Atticus’s perspective of view, when your children ask a question which may embarrass you. You ought to explain the issue in a direct way instead of avoiding the question or fooling the children. Second, set yourself a positive example to your children, parents are the model for children to imitate. So they should give children positive guidance in life. Third, parents should teach your children to respect everyone equally regardless of race, class or belief and stand in others’ shoes.

Apart from three educational themes, Scout and Jem are raised in a a single parent family. The lack of maternal education in single-parent families also has a great impact on children, especially on women. This paper also explores the importance of maternal education in family education. Firstly, the lack of maternal education leads to deficiencies on children's social abilities. Secondly, the lack of maternal education results in loss of gender identity for girls.

It alarms us that our society should provide more chances for women to promote their education quality. Only in this way will their next generation get better education from mothers.

Keywords: To Kill a Mockingbird; educational themes; lack of maternal education








1.1 Research background

Harper Lee (1926–2016), the author of To Kill a Mockingbird, was an American writer and Pulitzer Prize winner. She was best known for her novel To Kill a Mockingbird. Though Harper Lee had only published this book, she was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2007 for her contribution to literature.

Harper Lee was born in Monroeville, Alabama, United States in April 28, 1926. Harper Lee is the daughter of Amasa Coleman Lee. Her father was a lawyer. Lee attended Huntingdon College (1944-1945), studied law at the University of Alabama (1945-1949) and spent a summer as an exchange student at University of Oxford. However, she left for New York without taking a degree. Before her career as a writer, she worked as an airline reservationist. Soon after, Lee received financial aid from friends which allowed her to fully commit her to writing.

To Kill a Mockingbird described the problem of racial discrimination in Southern United States during the period of the Great Depression. The novel was inspired by the racial discrimination in her hometown, Monroeville, Alabama. The novel was written based on Harper Lee’s observations of her family and neighbors, as well as an event that occurred near her hometown in 1936 when she was 10 years old. The novel shows readers the irrationality of adult attitudes towards race and class in America’s Deep South in the 1930s.

Harper Lee submitted a manuscript of short stories about life in America South to the publishing house JB Lippincott Company in the summer of 1957. In October, JB Lippincott Company bought the rights to publish the novel. Under the requirments of her editor Tay Hohoff, Lee turned manuscript into the novel To Kill a Mockingbird over the next two and a half year.

Her first and only book (apart from Go Set a Watchman, published in 2015), To Kill a Mockingbird was released in 1960 and the following year it was awarded the Pulitzer Prize. By 1962 To Kill a Mockingbird had already been made into a movie with Gregory Peck in the role of Atticus Finch, for which he won an Academy Award. The film received three Academy Awards in total.

After To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee assisted her childhood friend and neighbor Truman Capote to write his novel In Cold Blood. The character of Scout’s neighbor Dill in To Kill a Mockingbird was based on Truman Capote. Truman Capote has usually hinted that he wrote parts of To Kill a Mockingbird. Pearl Kazin Bell, a publishing editor of Harper’s, claims that Truman Capote wrote To Kill a Mockingbird stem from the fact that Harper Lee published no more novels after To Kill a Mockingbird (until Go Set a Watchman in 2015). However, Harper Lee has stated that this is because any successor would only stand in the shadow of To Kill a Mockingbird.

To Kill a Mockingbird is in the setting of mid 1930s in the fictional town of Maycomb, Alabama. The story is narrated by a six years old girl named Jean Louise Finch or "Scout". Scout lives with her older brother Jem and her father Atticus Finch, a widowed lawyer. To the children, Atticus is a friend, confidant, teacher and an authority. The children are both terrified and fascinated by their mysterious neighbor, Arthur Boo Radley, a recluse who rarely leaves his house.

Slowly the outside world of Maycomb’s prejudice and racism begins to penetrate into Scout and Jem’s idyllic childhood. Since Atticus Finch is considered to be upright and unbiased, he is appointed to defend a black farm worker named Tom Robinson who is accused of raping Mayella Ewell, a young white woman. The majority of the white population see Tom Robinson as just an inferior with no rights in the novel while Atticus Finch supports Tom by the testimony that a black man without the left hand is impossible to leave the mark of a left hand on the victim.

Atticus Finch is scorned by many of his fellow citizens because of his perception that a black man should have the same rights as a white man. The town’s rejection is also felt by his children. In this environment of bigotry and intolerance, Atticus tries to teach his children the difference between prejudice and truth as he helps them on their way to growing up.

During the trial Atticus disproves the accusations against Tom Robinson. However, the white jury still follows the unwritten law of never believing a black man’s word over a white’s and declares Tom Robinson guilty. It is the prejudice against the black that leads Tom desperately attempts to escape from prison. He is shot and killed in the end.

Because of his dedicated commitment to defending for Tom Robinson, Atticus Finch earns the hatred of Bob Ewell, the father of the alleged victim whose statements were exposed as lies during the trial. Bob Ewell stalks and attacks the children one evening but they are saved by the reclusive Boo Radley. During the struggle Bob Ewell is fatally stabbed, however, in order to protect Boo Radley, the sheriff insists that Bob Ewell fell on his own knife.

After sitting with Scout for a short while Boo Radley once again disappears into his house. Standing in front of the Radley house can Scout imagine life from Boo’s point of view. To Scout, at last, the experience rings true to her. Now she understands her father’s teaching against prejudice and his belief that we can never really know someone until we walk in their shoes.

1.2 Need of the study

To Kill a Mockingbird is an autobiographical novel written and published in 1957 by Harper Lee, a famous American writer in the 1950s. To Kill a Mockingbird won the Pulitzer Prize in 1961 (Lee, 1982). The novel has aroused wide concern in the academic circle since its publication. Today, it has been translated into more than 40 languages and has sold 15 million copies, making it a recognized modern classic of American literature.

Atticus's educational philosophy and methods in the novel have influenced American families to some extent. As an excellent father, his practice of education is worth deeply exploring and thinking. The purpose of this paper is to analyze its educational themes through a comprehensive interpretation of three levels. Then, making a systematic induction of its educational themes. Ultimately, hoping that these educational concepts can make a difference to the current education of children in China.

The language of the novel is humorous. The plot of the story is based on the narrator's observation on the life of his family and neighbors’ when he was six years old, mainly reflecting the injustice of race and the destruction of innocents. The novel has two parts. The first part is a story about Scout and his brother, Jem in Maycomb, Alabama, during the great depression, and a boy named Dill who is fascinated and frightened by his eccentric, closeted neighbor, Boo Radley. The adults in Maycomb were also reluctant to talk about Radley, whom they had seen little for years. The children are full of speculation and imagination about the rumors about him and the deep reasons for his seclusion. The second part focuses on a case. Tom Robinson is a black man who is accused of beating and raping a young white woman. The court appoints Atticus Finch, the narrator's father to plead this case. Atticus Finch uses his professional skills to find evidence that can prove black Tom's innocence, and put the truth in front of all the jurors and the residents of the town, but the jury still returned a unanimous guilty verdict on Robinson, who was wronged in the night of the verdict tried to escape and was shot (Lee, 1982).

Many domestic and foreign experts and scholars have interpreted the novel from a variety of artistic approaches, such as unique narrative angle, metaphor and satire (Abbott, 2007). This paper attempts to interpret the educational themes from a new perspective, that is, to analyze the use of rhetorical devices, and to explore the love and justice embodied in it from the perspective of lawyer's professional ethics under the background of the times.

To Kill a Mockingbird uses a lot of rhetorical devices, which have been studied a lot. It can be summarized as the application of macro and micro rhetoric devices. From the perspective of macro rhetoric features, the novel is a double-line circular structure (Buckley, 1974). To kill a mockingbird is a first-person narrative for children (Shen, 2001). The narrator is a child, so it is necessary to highlight the involvement of the adult author (Mei, 2014). The perspective of micro rhetorical devices is the use of figures of speech in To Kill a Mockingbird. In the work, mockingbird, fire, pistol, flower, door, snow, etc. have their symbolic meanings, as well as the use of irony.

Seen from the content of the works, robin seems to have no direct relevance with the themes reflected in the novel, but in terms of its symbolic significance, robin went through the whole novel (Su, 2018). While reading the book, it is easy to recognize that robin is a symbol of innocent and kind person. When you killed cock robin, it seems that you are killing innocent and kind person (Fielder, 1994). The robin did nothing, it was just the first to announce the dawn, and the last to serenade. Its song is melodious, its melody is changeable, it does not ruin other people's garden, it does not make a nest in the corn field, it does nothing but concentrate on singing (Li, 2015). And people have no reason to harm it. Many of the characters in the novel share the same fate of the robin, who has done nothing wrong but has been hurt (Ling, 2018). It is not difficult to understand that the author is telling us that the story that takes place in Maycomb, south of the United States is the story of innocent people who are guiltless and innocent like robin.

This paper argues that To Kill a Mockingbird shows the educational themes with rich rhetorical devices, and vividly demonstrates the distortion of American values under racial discrimination and the maintenance of values of upbringing, love goodness and justice (Wang, 2011). Robert Mulligan's 1962 film of the same name condenses the storyline into a legal injustice about racial conflict, portraying the lawyer Atticus Finch as a hero against legal injustice. Aside from the justice in the court. Atticus also applied this theory to his education. When he communicates with his children, he treats them equally and respects their views (Ling, 2018). Precisely because he educates his children with love, patience, justice and goodness will his educational concepts be inherited by Americans (Geng, 2019). This paper aims to remind people to praise highly the educational ideas of love, goodness, justice and upbringing in today’s society.

  1. Literature Review

One of the Robins in the book is Tom Robinson. He was an honest black man on a plantation, falsely accused of rape. In response to the fact that Mayala was wounded in the right eye, Atticus proved that it was a left-handed blow, and that her father was one. Robinson's left hand, by contrast, had been disabled, so they were lying. But when Atticus Finch confronted all the jurors and the townspeople with the truth, the jury returned a guilty verdict. Robinson didn't do anything wrong, just worked hard and helped others, and was treated unfairly just because of the color of her skin. After a merciless misjudgment, although Atticus was ready to continue to fight for justice for Tom, white public opinion had always advocated the barbaric nature of black people, who were prone to murder and rape. The racial discrimination against black people and psychological racial oppression in the American society made Tom no longer believe in the dark laws (Cather, 1988). He tried to escape from the prison while he was exercising, only to be shot dead by the guards, who shot him 17 times. They didn't have to shoot him that many times. Although Tom was running away, their shooting of him was a brutal persecution, like killing an innocent robin. Atticus believes in the justice in his heart.

He believes that right and wrong are as clear as black and white. The court, the defendant is on trial, in addition to black, defendant on three sides were white, control of the whole process of law and the decision is in the hands of the white, the defendants' criminal behavior in the eyes of the public is not only a crime, for the implementation of individual black beneath race for white noble race violation of authority and challenges, although Atticus do his best efforts proved that Robinson was innocent, but he can't change the unfair trial results. Tom lives in such a racist social background, no doubt to experience the fate of robin (Cather, 2017).

In the movie, "to kill a mockingbird" the essence of the film part lies in the court debate, the lawyer's father in the film with the performance of the model of law, in the court of the lengthy debate a center, is repeatedly stressed the life of the living beings given by the court, justice, and equality, justice of American liberalism based on democracy has made the most appropriate, but also because of society in the United States there is this type of justice based on democratic liberalism has a black President, later, however, in those days, to defend the black is a big step in the strike (Maslow, 1954). From a secular point of view, it is not right to defend black people, but the author's lawyer father still did it, which makes the audience not only admire the lawyer father, but also realize that he is the symbol of justice and goodness in America (Su, 2018).

The American judicial system is adversarial, in which both sides of a case can present and explain the case -- the facts and the law -- to an impartial decider, the judge or the court, either personally or with the help of an experienced lawyer. The system considers the defense process to be the most effective way to explain the facts and to resolve the dispute in the fairest way. In any case, if the defendant is unable to pay for counsel, the court must appoint him a lawyer. The American bar association has been guiding the development of a code of ethics for lawyers. Each judicial body may use this as a model guideline and adjust it to its own needs. These guidelines, on the one hand, limit the scope of representation and on the other hand, protect lawyers. By making it clear that when a lawyer represents an unpopular or even egregious client, he is merely doing his job, which is required in the public interest (Xiao, 2006). Of course, any judge would be very pleased to see that even the worst criminal defendants are represented by qualified lawyers.

3. The Analysis of Paternal Education in To Kill a Mockingbird

3.1 Answer children’s questions directly

As a father of a single parent family, Atticus Finch has a pair of minor children. He has to carry the burden of raising the family. At the same time, he is responsible for the education of his children. What influenced Americans’ educational ideas in the 1960s was that treating your children with patience, understanding, tolerance and respect. The respect among people is mutual and Atticus Finch earns respect from his children by respecting his children at home.

There is a misunderstanding when it comes to the problem how to answer children’s questions. When Scout asked Atticus Finch the meaning of “bitch”, he didn’t shy away from the subject, but gave a statement that a child could understand in his own way. Since in Atticus’s mind, when a child asks you a question, it means that she trusts you and all she wants is an answer.

Atticus always believes that children are not inferior to adults, they have their own way of thinking. As for adults, what matters is to guide children to respond positively to questions and help them improve their ability to think by themselves instead of treating children's questions in a desultory, perfunctory and irresponsible manner.

It was this idea of not avoiding questions or fooling children that allowed Atticus to educate Scout without any bad conflicts. Even in the face of the “black rape” case, he was able to patiently account for the incident, tell the children his intention to act as a defender, and plead for their understanding. Known for his irritability, Scout was able to remember his father's words in the face of abuse from his classmates: “keep your head up, put your fist down. No matter what others say, don't lose your temper.”

Children is a period of curiosity. They have a lot of questions which include some privacy problems. Parents find it difficult to answer these questions appropriately. Atticus’s educational theme in To Kill a Mockingbird does help a lot. Today, when parents choose to have an equal conversation with our children, they are choosing to understand their willfulness and freedom, but not to force them to change. Let the child feel our concern, put aside the rigid and strict preaching. Instead, communicate in the warm and peaceful mode will slowly establish the right views.

3.2 Set yourself an example to children

As an old saying goes, “The son’s committing errors should be blamed to his father’s failure of teaching him.” As parents, how to model themselves and become the leaders of children's development? Atticus Finch, in this sense, is a model by example. In his educational theories, he always follows the principle of being severe with yourself and lenient towards others, without a mouthful of virtue and morality, no rigid rules, no lengthy paternalistic lecturing, but always for their own posts, with its own words and teach children how to understand no matter what others say, you are to begin, like a gentleman. It is his positive influence that shapes the image of a good father in children's minds. Scout thought papa was the bravest man in the world, though he had never fought in any war.

Family education is the most significant and profound education for children. Children are the epitome of parents since they imitate parents’ behavior. In today’s society, many families haven’t realized the importance of educating children rather than just giving birth to them. I hope that I can provide a warm and equal environment full of love and sense of security for my children in the future which inspires me to be a better man.

3.3 Respect everyone equally and stand in others’ shoes

As Atticus says, “love everyone as much as you can.” As a father, he is kind to his children, but when they make mistakes, he is strict. He told the children not to discriminate against anyone, not to give anyone the cold shoulder, not to laugh at anyone. In his words, to be a good person, and “good people” are those who do their best according to their own ideas. That's what he did, and that's how he affected his

children. When Scout had a conflict with his teacher, he said, “Scout, if you can learn one simple trick, you can get along better with all these people. You can never really understand a person until you see things from his point of view.”

On the other hand, there is no discrimination. Atticus believes that discrimination is the gap between people in communication. People are not graded, and the criteria for grading can only be morality and personality, never skin color, reputation, appearance, etc. Atticus never discriminates against a person because of his external characteristics. Atticus has the same attitude towards poor and weird people. Atticus defended Tom mainly for people's discrimination against blacks and changing people's classification criteria.

Atticus emphasized Capone's actual status, mainly because Atticus respected her and regarded her as a friend, not a labeled black man. Atticus also respects Radley because he respects Radley's living habits. Discrimination is never in the scope of Atticus's interpretation of love.

Atticus's requirement for himself is to look at problems from the perspective of others and understand their problems objectively. It was not easy to compromise on some things. In the social background at that time, black people meant evil. For Atticus, he always went his own way and always fought for the love in his heart. Since Atticus believes that love is uncompromising on any issue, especially in this stubborn social environment, how important it is to ensure that one's position is uncompromising. Compromise will make ugly and discrimination become popular, only to insist on their own position can guarantee people's sobriety.

4. Lack of Maternal Education in To Kill a Mockingbird

4.1 Influence of the lack of maternal education

The relationship between mother and child is like moon and star. Female are naturally more meticulous than male. For children, especially for a girl, mother is the model for them to deal with daily life. However, Scout’s mother died when she was only two years old. She never has the chance to get along with mother. She always thinks that she doesn’t miss mother, but she just escapes from this feeling subconsciously. The lack of maternal education makes Scout Brutal and violent. There is some deficiency in Scout’s characteristics.

4.1.1 Scout's character defects and their causes

Scout is kind, honest, intelligent, studious, and naive. But she is also brutal and violent and every aspect of her character is closely related to her childhood experiences. Scout lost his mother at the age of two, and though Capone, the babysitter, took care of the siblings, it was only about food and living. Capone would berate Scout for her rudeness, but to no avail. In Scout's upbringing, few female characters were able to regulate and guide her behavior.

Social learning theory points out that imitation and observational learning are the most important means of socialization of children. Observational learning is a more advanced form of learning, in which children observe other people's behavior, and although they may not do so at the time, they may not be able to use this information and reproduce the behavior until months or even years later. This is the basis on which children acquire gender stereotyping. When Scout was growing up, she couldn't imitate a gentlewoman. Studies have shown that early maternal deficiencies can have devastating effects on children's social abilities. Scout's apparently aggressive and savage manner, which should be classified as “angry reactive aggression” according to the classification standard proposed by American developmental psychologists Dodge and Cowie, is a manifestation of the destruction of social capacity.

4.1.2 Scout's lack of gender identity

Scout's antipathy to her gender is revealed in the novel. I reluctantly played the various female parts in the play. I never thought she was as funny as Tarzan. “Women always pick something ridiculous to be proud of.” It can be seen that in Scout's young mind there was no identification with the group of women.

Gender identity involves having a correct understanding of what one's gender entails. Social learning theory points out that children's understanding of gender roles is shaped by adults, especially parents and teachers in their living environment. Parental reinforcement of children's "gender-appropriate behavior" was virtually absent from Scout's upbringing. She lacks the right understanding of women. Imitation, direct reinforcement and observational learning are all important factors in the acquisition of children's gender roles. When Scout was growing up, there was no one to give her timely guidance, even when she was upset that she was a girl. As the woman scout grew up with the longest, Capone rarely listened to his inner voice. Especially after her brother Jem said something like "you sometimes act too much like a girl, it's a shame" when he was still not sensible, no one gave her a positive guide. Naturally, she felt that women were the embodiment of cowardliness, and it was difficult for her to have a sense of gender identity.

4.2 Importance of maternal education in children’s social development

Social contact refers to all the characteristics acquired by people's social existence, which conform to the typical behavior pattern of social norms. The mode of social behavior is the concentrated embodiment of a person's personality, as well as the reaction and expression of morality. The factors affecting children's social development include genetic and biological basis, family system, peer relationship and friendship. The mother plays an important role in both the biological basis and the family system. Mother-child synesthesia is established before birth and in the cradle, is a person's emotional foundation for life. Early maternal loss can have devastating effects on a child's social, cognitive, and language development and even into adulthood, and the experience can have an impact on his or her life. In the novel, several characters who lack the mother's education have various character defects and disharmonious social behaviors.

  1. Conclusion

Answer children’s questions directly, set yourself an example to children and respect everyone equally and teach your children to stand in others’ shoes. Only in these ways can you teach your child self-esteem and the ability to respect others.

Mother's education has always been an indispensable part of children's education. Nowadays, the role of mother is not only reflected in taking care of children's diet and daily life, but more importantly, with the rise of gender consciousness in the society, the role of mother in children's consciousness to face up to woman's status and establish female authority cannot be ignored. Therefore, in modern society, the emphasis on mother education and the improvement of the quality of mother education will be the top priority of children's education.

To improve the mother's education quality means that the mother should have rich educational knowledge, sufficient educational ability, excellent educational quality and reasonable educational concept. In order to improve the quality of mother education, the state and society vigorously support and teach the mother, improve the quality of women's education, through the common progress of mother and children, promote the improvement of the overall quality of the people, to achieve the true sense of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.


Abbott, H. P. (2007). The Cambridge Introduction to Narrative. Beijing: Peking University Press.

Buckley, J. H. (1974). Season of Youth: The Bildungsroman from Dickens to Golding. Cambridge: Harvard UP.


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